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<cfparam name="url.chr" type="numeric" default="40" />
<cfparam name="url.useCustomFunction" type="boolean" default="false" />
<cfset myStruct = StructNew() />
<cfset myStruct["myString"] = ":DEC:[#url.chr#] - :CHR:[#chr(url.chr)#]." />
<cfif url.useCustomFunction>
<cfset myJSON = SafeSerializeJSON(myStruct) />
<cfset myJSON = SerializeJSON(myStruct) />
skratchdot /
Created June 5, 2011 18:14
An example class for testing a method of setting conditional breakpoints based off of the hash of the current stack trace.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
* An example class for testing a method of setting conditional breakpoints
* based off of the hash of the current stack trace.
* Eventually, I'd like to edit the Java breakpoint condition editor:
* to allow keeping track of the stack trace history for a given breakpoint, and
* only break on certain hashes. It would also be nice to keep a count of each
skratchdot / ConvertStringToStruct.cfm
Created July 15, 2012 21:34
A ColdFusion function to convert dot notation strings to structs
private struct function convertStringToStruct(required string key, required any value, string delimiter = ".") {
var obj = StructNew();
var first = ListFirst(arguments.key, arguments.delimiter);
var rest = ListRest(arguments.key, arguments.delimiter);
if (Len(rest)) {
obj[first] = convertStringToStruct(rest, arguments.value, arguments.delimiter);
} else {
obj[first] = arguments.value;
skratchdot / jq.rb
Created October 21, 2012 18:57 — forked from atdt/jq.rb
Jq formula for Homebrew
require 'formula'
class Jq < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 'b3dfaafd1bbe89f04a92036eade3475613078e0c'
version '32e1b114df'
def install
system "make"
skratchdot / gist:4302457
Last active December 9, 2015 17:18
StackOverflow: Add "Select All" buttons This is a bookmarklet to add a "select all" button above every codeblock on It will toggle selecting the text in the codeblock.
skratchdot / gist:4596293
Last active December 11, 2015 11:48
SoundGecko - Listen To Article Bookmarklet
skratchdot /
Created May 15, 2013 16:59
An example of how to setup a cue point chunk. This is an invalid wav file, but shows how to manually add chunks. For an example of adding sample points, see:…
import com.skratchdot.riff.wav.ChunkCue;
import com.skratchdot.riff.wav.ChunkTypeID;
import com.skratchdot.riff.wav.CuePoint;
import com.skratchdot.riff.wav.RIFFWave;
import com.skratchdot.riff.wav.WavFactory;
public class RiffWavCuePointExample {
* @param args
skratchdot / _init.js
Last active December 17, 2015 11:39
Github Enhancement Suite by skratchdot
skratchdot / jquery.pruneSiblings.js
Created June 7, 2013 21:50
jquery.pruneSiblings plugin - takes a selector and walks up the dom tree (until reaching a body or html tag), removing siblings along the way.
/*globals jQuery */
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var prune = function (orig, item) {
var parent = item.parent();
if (parent.length > 0 && !'body') && !'html')) {
return prune(orig, parent);
return orig;