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Created September 8, 2009 10:03
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manpage like formatter function for python 3
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Note: this was just a little toying, rst2man is much better.
import string
import textwrap
def _fmt_help(name, title, description, *args):
_fmt_help('foo', 'does something', 'the description',
['bar', 'do bar'],
[':baz', 'baz required parm'],
['q|quit', 'quit it']
foo -- does something
foo [bar] baz [q|quit]
the description
do bar
baz required parm
quit it
o = '\n'
o += 'NAME\n\t'
o += name + ' -- ' + title + '\n\n'
o += 'SYNOPSIS\n'
s = str()
s += name
for i in range(len(args)):
a = args[i][0]
if a[0] == ':':
s += ' ' + a[1:]
s += ' [' + a + ']'
sl = textwrap.wrap(s, 64)
for i in range(len(sl)):
o += '\t' + sl[i] + '\n'
o += '\n'
dt = textwrap.wrap(description, 64)
for i in range(len(dt)):
o += '\n\t' + dt[i]
o += '\n\n'
o += 'OPTIONS'
for i in range(len(args)):
a = args[i]
if a[0][0] == ':':
a[0] = a[0][1:]
o += '\n\t' + a[0]
odt = textwrap.wrap(a[1], 60)
for j in range(len(odt)):
o += '\n\t ' + odt[j]
o += '\n'
return o
def __test_fmt_help():
desc = ('the description ' +
'-- this must be a long text to test the description formating'+
' routine of the help formatting function test'
obaz = ('baz option description' +
'-- also long to test option detail wrapping formatter ' +
'which should work fine hopefully.. blah..'
print(_fmt_help('foo', 'does something', desc,
['bar', 'do bar'],
[':baz', obaz],
['q|quit', 'quit it']
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