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Last active June 7, 2021 13:55
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Python script that provides notification when result has arrived.(For IOE, using selenium and chromium driver. Providing notification using notify2 in GNOME)
import time # to sleep for some time
import logging #logging
from selenium import webdriver #selenium
from gi.repository import Notify #to provide notifications in GNOME
##################################################### Requirements ################################
#chromedriver(bundled with chromium, separately available for google-chrome)
# config options
config = {
'URL': '', # The url to scan for
'TIME_DELAY': 10, # time to delay the refreshing
'TEXT_TO_FIND':["Second", 'II',], # text to search for in the url
'NO_OF_TRAVERSAL': 5, # no. of rows to traverse
'APP_NAME': 'Aayo aayo!', #Name of our app to show notification
'NOTIF_SUMM': 'May the force be with you!',
Notify.init(config['APP_NAME']) # Init app to provide notification
result =['NOTIF_SUMM']) #summary of our notification
logger = logging.getLogger() #Logging
#function to provide notification
def notifyme(shortdescr):
result.update('Aayo aayo', shortdescr) #update notif
logger.warning('Showing/Updating notification.') #show notif
#find required row
def find_latest_row_with_result(rows):
i = 0 #row counter
for row in rows: #for every row
text = scan_each_row(row) # scan every row
if text is not None:
return text #return row's content
if i >= config['NO_OF_TRAVERSAL']:
break #not found, move on. leave the loop.
#check for only five latest notices. If not found, break.
i += 1 #increment counter
def scan_each_row(row):
# Don;t check all, check only recents
if config['TEXT_TO_FIND'][0] in row.text or config['TEXT_TO_FIND'][1] in row.text:
return row.text
def get_rows(browser):
browser.get(config['URL']) #open url
table = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@id='targetDiv']/div/table")
#search for 'div' with id 'targetDiv'
#and go to child 'div' and then 'table'
rows = table[0].find_elements_by_tag_name('tr') # search row
return rows
#checking function to find result
def check_result(browser):
rows = get_rows(browser) #get rows of the table
text = find_latest_row_with_result(rows) #find row with result
if text is not None:
notifyme(text) #send if there's result
def setup(): #Setup
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() # initialize chrome with options we will be using
options.add_argument('headless') #run without GUI, in headless mode
options.add_argument('incognito') # run in incognito, don't want to mess up with my history
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options) #provide chrome with the options
return browser #send browser to 'main' module
def tearup(browser): #cler every mess you have made
result.close() #remove notification
browser.quit() #quit browser
if __name__ == '__main__': #main module
browser = setup() # setup everything
while True: # Go On and On
check_result(browser) #check for result
logger.warning("Going to sleep for {0} seconds.".format(config['TIME_DELAY']))
time.sleep(config['TIME_DELAY']) # sleep for certain amount of time
except KeyboardInterrupt: #if 'Ctrl+Z', close everything
logger.warning("Clearing up the mess")
break #break the loop
except Exception as e:
print("Exceptions occured. Retrying...")
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