git help
git help config
git config --global "Shailesh Kumar"
git config --global ""
git config --global color.ui true
// Pretty command line colors
md store && cd $_
git init
// Create local git repo
touch README.txt
git status
git add README.txt
git commit -m 'Create a README'
Edit README.txt
and touch LICENSE
git add --all
// Adds all new or modified files to stage
git commit -m 'Add LICENSE and finish README'
git log
Git commit messages should be in present tense
git add <list of files>
Add the list of files
git add --all
Add all files
git add *.txt
Add all txt files in current directory
git add docs/*.txt
Add all txt files in docs directory
git add docs/
Add all files in docs directory
git add "*.txt"
Add all txt files in whole project
git diff
Show unstaged differences since last commit
git diff --staged
Show staged differences
git reset HEAD <file>
To unstage a file
refers to the last commit on the current branch
To reset the state of the file before last commit:
git checkout -- <file>
// e.g: git checkout -- LICENSE
git commit -a -m "Modify README
// Add changes from all tracked files and commit them
git reset --soft HEAD^
// Undo last commit and put changes into staging
The caret
says - move to commit which is one before the current HEAD
What if we forgot to add a file?
touch todo.txt
git add todo.txt
git commit --amend -m "Modify README and add todo.txt"
// Add to last commit and overwrite the commit message
git reset --hard HEAD^
// Undo last commit and discard all changes
git reset --hard HEAD^^
// Undo last 2 commits and discard all changes
To add new remotes
git remote add <remote name> <remote address>
To remove remotes
git remote rm <remote name>
To push to remotes
git push -u <remote name> <branch>
stands for upstream so that next time you just need to typegit push
and it will automatically push to that branch
git clone <repo address>
git clone <repo address> <your local folder name>
git remote -v
// List all remotes
git branch cat
// Create a new branch named cat
git checkout cat
// move to the cat branch, HEAD in now on cat branch
echo "Schrodinger" > cat.txt
git add cat.txt
git commit -m 'Create quantum cat'
// "committed" to the cat branch
Merge branch
git checkout master
git merge cat
// Fast-forward merge - when nothing was modified on the branch (master here) which merges another branch
git branch -d cat
// Delete cat branch
How to restore a deleted branch? read this
git checkout -b admin
// Creates an admin branch and checks it out