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Last active February 24, 2021 01:42
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denite source of coc locations, such as references, symbols
import os
from pathlib import Path
from denite.base.source import Base
class Source(Base):
def __init__(self, vim):
super().__init__(vim) = 'coc-locations'
self.kind = 'file'
def on_init(self, context):
self.locations = self.vim.vars['coc_jump_locations']
self.pwd ="getcwd")
self.word ="expand", "<cword>")
def define_syntax(self):
self.vim.command(f"syntax match {self.syntax_name}_Position /"
r" \[.\{-}\]"
f"/ contained containedin={self.syntax_name}")
self.vim.command(f"syntax match {self.syntax_name}_Text /"
f"/ contained containedin={self.syntax_name}")
self.vim.command(f"syntax match {self.syntax_name}_Word /"
f"/ contained containedin={self.syntax_name}")
def highlight(self):
self.vim.command(f"highlight default link {self.syntax_name}_Position Comment")
self.vim.command(f"highlight default link {self.syntax_name}_Text String")
self.vim.command(f"highlight default link {self.syntax_name}_Word Operator")
def gather_candidates(self, context):
return [self._convert(e) for e in self.locations]
def _convert(self, element):
relpath = Path(element["filename"]).relative_to(self.pwd).as_posix()
except ValueError:
relpath = os.path.relpath(element["filename"], self.pwd)
relpath = min([relpath, element["filename"]], key=len)
position = f"{element['lnum']}:{element['col']:>3}"
candidate = {
'word': element['text'],
'abbr': f'{relpath:<35.35} [{position:>10}] {element["text"]}',
'action__path': element['filename'],
'action__line': element['lnum']
return candidate
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