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Last active February 27, 2020 15:31
VIM & Sublime

Vintage Mode & Emmet in Sublime Text

The following are a mish-mash of VIM, Sublime Text (in Vintage mode with Vintageous package) and Emmet commands.

The key to using VIM is to stay in COMMAND MODE as much as possible. Think of VIM as a language (although subject-verb-object order may differ from your spoken language). Commands can be combined. Learn by doing, not by memorizing.

Remember, there is always a built-in VIM tutor on OSX just type vimtutor in the terminal.

Note: ||Ctrl (aka Super key) means use Command key for OS X or Control key for Windows. Italicized indcates placeholders.

var app = app || {};
//object literal
app = {
init: function(){
cache: function(){