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Sebastian Kurfürst skurfuerst

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skurfuerst /
Created December 27, 2023 15:15
Testing Kubernetes Environments via k3s and k3sup on Hetzner Cloud via the hcloud CLI
############################## DEV_SCRIPT_MARKER ##############################
# This script is used to document and run recurring tasks in development. #
# #
# You can run your tasks using the script `./dev some-task`. #
# You can install the Sandstorm Dev Script Runner and run your tasks from any #
# nested folder using `dev run some-task`. #
set -e
skurfuerst / CustomThrowableStorage.php
Created October 5, 2023 11:29
Custom Throwable Storage to prevent exceptions
namespace MyPackage\Site;
use Neos\Flow\Log\ThrowableStorage\FileStorage;
use Neos\Media\Exception\NoThumbnailAvailableException;
After implementing Kaleidoscope for Images and SourceSets we got an uncontrollably growing exception folder
skurfuerst / gen-types.mjs
Created January 16, 2021 21:10
Generate runtypes from TypeScript definitions using ts-morph
// RUN with a recent node.js version, using "node gen-types.mjs"
// DEPENDS on typescript and ts-morph
import { Project } from "ts-morph";
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
const project = new Project({
tsConfigFilePath: "tsconfig.json",
skurfuerst /
Last active October 11, 2022 09:28
GitLab and Rancher 2 Authentication Proxy
set -ex
go build -o rancher_gitlab_proxy main.go
GOOS=linux go build -o rancher_gitlab_proxy_linux main.go
namespace My\Package\Command;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Model\NodeInterface;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\ContextFactoryInterface;
use Neos\ContentRepository\Domain\Service\NodeServiceInterface;
use Neos\Flow\Cli\CommandController;
use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am skurfuerst on github.
* I am skurfuerst ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASDTRmPo5bjrl-KEiVuvtxPSJvkgbSCeYXMk_-817HKbcAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
skurfuerst / composer.json
Created October 24, 2016 17:52
composer.json fluid standalone
"name": "neos/neos-development-distribution",
"description" : "Neos Development Distribution",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"support": {
"email": "",
"slack": "",
"forum": "",
"wiki": "",
"issues": "",
skurfuerst / MySiblingsOperation.php
Created July 19, 2015 08:06
T3DD15 Neos Workshop Examples
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: sebastian
* Date: 18.07.15
* Time: 11:19
namespace TYPO3\NeosDemoTypo3Org;
skurfuerst / neos-be-adjustments.css
Created April 30, 2015 08:18
CSS adjustments to a site to play well in Neos Backend
/* General Adjustmens to the Neos Backend - we only do that if "neos-controls" is visible, that is we are NOT in full-screen mode. */
/* Bootstrap gives the "container" specific widths (inside media queries); which breaks the margins Neos adds to the body.
Thus, we need to reset these settings. */
.neos-controls .container {
width: inherit !important;
/* The topbar of neos needs some space, so we push the top navigation lower */
.neos-controls .page-topNavigation {
# This stylesheet is only loaded when the Neos UI is shown
page.head.stylesheets.backend = TYPO3.TypoScript:Tag {
tagName = 'link'
attributes {
rel = 'stylesheet'
href = TYPO3.TypoScript:ResourceUri {
package = 'Acme.Demo'
path = 'Styles/Backend.css'