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Forked from Gonzih/
Last active March 8, 2017 20:09
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into it llustration you can t s the
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it quite a bit hurt the in rench
as she heard this very good naturedly began running about for
that it at her sister roofreading
sentence set out of time
llustration arroll
over with his e ook of footsteps
and conquest lice to llustration
provisions from the face and rapped loudly
dear he game said
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she ran out of ouse
(ns markov-dojo.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn load-resource
(slurp (io/resource res-name)))
(def end-of-sentence #".*[.;:?!]$")
(defn split-by-word
(s/split txt #"[ -_]"))
(defn foo
"I don't do a whole lot."
(println x "Hello, World!"))
(defn pairs
(map vector s (drop 1 s)))
(defn comb
[acc [a b]]
(let [merge-fn (fn [one two] (apply conj one two))]
(merge-with merge-fn acc {a [b]})))
(defn markov-chain
(reduce comb {} pairs))
(defn random-token
(nth vals (rand-int (count vals))))
(defn end-of-sentence?
(re-matches end-of-sentence token))
(defn random-sentence
[chain max-tokens]
(let [tokens (keys chain)]
(loop [sentence []
token (random-token tokens)]
(let [next-token (random-token (get chain token))
next-sentence (conj sentence next-token)]
(if (or (end-of-sentence? next-token)
(<= max-tokens (count next-sentence)))
(s/join " " sentence)
(recur next-sentence next-token))))))
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