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Last active July 22, 2016 12:11
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Berlin Clock kata as implemented at the Amsterdam Clojurians cljs dojo, meetup #80
# Amsterdam Clojurians meetup #80
# A ClojureScript dojo: the Berlin Clock!
# Fork this gist and put your solution in
(ns berlin-clock.clock
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
(def now (atom (js/Date.)))
(.setTimeout js/window (fn tick []
(do (swap! now (constantly (js/Date.)))
(.setTimeout js/window tick 1000))) 1000)
(defn current-time
"Displays the current time"
[:span (.toLocaleTimeString @now)])
(defn seconds
"Retrieves the seconds of the current time"
(.getSeconds @now))
(defn blinker
"Render a senconds blinker"
[:div {:style {:width "50px"
:height "50px"
:border-radius "50%"
:display "table"
:margin "0 auto"
:background-color (if (odd? (seconds))
(defn five-hours
"Render a 5 hours bit
slot: the slot in the row (0 to 3)"
(let [hours (.getHours @now)
on? (< slot (quot hours 5))]
[:div {:style {:display "inline-block"
:width "130px"
:height "25px"
:background-color (if on?
(defn five-hours-row
"Render the row with the 5 hours bits"
(for [slot (range 4)]
[:div {:key (str slot "-5hours")
:style {:width "25%"
:float "left"}}
[five-hours slot]])])
(defn hours
"Render the hour bit
slot: the slot in the row (0 to 3)"
(let [hours (.getHours @now)
on? (< slot (mod hours 5))]
[:div {:style {:display "inline-block"
:width "130px"
:height "25px"
:background-color (if on?
(defn hours-row
"Render the row with the single hours bits"
[:div (for [slot (range 4)]
[:div {:key (str slot "-hours")
:style {:width "25%"
:float "left"}}
[hours slot]])])
(defn five-minutes
"Render the bits for the 5 minutes marks
slot: the slot in the row (0 to 10)"
(let [color (if (= 0 (mod (inc slot) 3))
off-color (if (= 0 (mod (inc slot) 3))
minutes (.getMinutes @now)
on? (< slot (quot minutes 5))]
[:div {:style {:display "inline-block"
:width "43px"
:height "25px"
:background-color (if on?
(defn five-minutes-row
"Render the row with the five minutes bits"
[:div (for [slot (range 11)]
[:span {:key (str slot "-5minutes")
:style {:width "9%"
:float "left"}}
[five-minutes slot]])])
(defn minutes
"Render the single minutes bits
slot: the slot in the row (0 to 3)"
(let [on? (< slot (mod (.getMinutes @now) 5))]
[:div {:style {:display "inline-block"
:width "130px"
:height "25px"
:background-color (if on?
(defn minutes-row
"Render the row with the single minutes bits"
[:div (for [slot (range 4)]
[:div {:key (str slot "-minutes")
:style {:width "25%"
:float "left"}}
[minutes slot]])])
(defn clock
"Render a Berlin Clock"
[:span [current-time]]
[:div {:style {:width "570px"
:display "block"
:padding-bottom "5px"
:text-align "center"}}
(ns berlin-clock.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[reagent.session :as session]
[secretary.core :as secretary :include-macros true]
[accountant.core :as accountant]
[berlin-clock.clock :as clock]))
;; -------------------------
;; Views
(defn home-page []
[:div [:h2 "Welcome to berlin-clock"]
[:div.body {:style {:background-color "lightgrey"
:padding-left "15px"
:height "300px"}}
(defn current-page []
[:div [(session/get :current-page)]])
;; -------------------------
;; Routes
(secretary/defroute "/" []
(session/put! :current-page #'home-page))
;; -------------------------
;; Initialize app
(defn mount-root []
(reagent/render [current-page] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn init! []
(fn [path]
(secretary/dispatch! path))
(fn [path]
(secretary/locate-route path))})
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