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Last active December 13, 2015 19:58
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  • Save skuroda/4965913 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save skuroda/4965913 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This method will help retrieve assets for Sublime Text 3 plugins.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Kuroda <>
import sublime
import os
import zipfile
import tempfile
import re
def get_package_asset(package_name, asset_name, get_path=False, recursive_search=False, return_binary=False, encoding="utf-8"):
Retrieve the asset specified in the specified package or None if it
cannot be found.
package_name Name of the packages whose asset you are searching for.
asset_name Name of the asset to search for
Keyword arguments:
get_path Boolean representing if the path or the content of the
asset should be returned (default False)
recursive_search Boolean representing if the file specified should
search for assets recursively or take the file as
an absolute path (default False).
return_binary Boolean representing if the binary representation of
a file should be returned. Only takes affect if get_path
is True (default False).
encoding String representing the encoding to use when reading.
Only takes affect when return_binary is True
(default utf-8).
Return Value:
None if the asset does not exists. The contents of the asset if get_path is
False. A path to the file if get_path is True.
packages_path = sublime.packages_path()
sublime_package = package_name + ".sublime-package"
path = None
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, package_name)):
if recursive_search:
path = _find_file(os.path.join(packages_path, package_name), asset_name)
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, package_name, asset_name)):
path = os.path.join(packages_path, package_name, asset_name)
if path != None and os.path.exists(path):
if get_path:
return path
if return_binary:
mode = "rb"
encoding = None
mode = "r"
with open(path, mode, encoding=encoding) as file_obj:
content =
return content
packages_path = sublime.installed_packages_path()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package)):
ret_value = _search_zip(packages_path, sublime_package, asset_name, get_path, recursive_search, return_binary, encoding)
if ret_value != None:
return ret_value
packages_path = os.path.dirname(sublime.executable_path()) + os.sep + "Packages"
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, sublime_package)):
ret_value = _search_zip(packages_path, sublime_package, asset_name, get_path, recursive_search, return_binary, encoding)
if ret_value != None:
return ret_value
return None
def get_package_and_asset_name(path):
This method will return the package name and asset name from a path.
path Path to parse for package and asset name.
package = None
asset = None
if os.path.isabs(path):
packages_path = sublime.packages_path()
if path.startswith(packages_path):
package, asset = _search_for_package_and_asset(path, packages_path)
packages_path = sublime.installed_packages_path()
if path.startswith(packages_path):
package, asset = _search_for_package_and_asset(path, packages_path)
packages_path = os.path.dirname(sublime.executable_path()) + os.sep + "Packages"
if path.startswith(packages_path):
package, asset = _search_for_package_and_asset(path, packages_path)
path = re.sub(r"^Packages[/\\]", "", path)
split = re.split(r"[/\\]", path, 1)
package = split[0]
asset = split[1]
return (package, asset)
def _search_for_package_and_asset(path, packages_path):
Derive the package and asset from a path.
package = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
directory, asset = os.path.split(path)
if directory == packages_path:
package = asset.replace(".sublime-package", "")
asset = None
package, temp_asset = _search_for_package_and_asset(directory, packages_path)
if temp_asset is not None:
temp_asset += os.sep + asset
asset = temp_asset
return (package, asset)
def _search_zip(packages_path, package, file_name, path, recursive_search, return_binary, encoding):
Search a zip for an asset.
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(packages_path, package)):
return None
ret_value = None
with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(packages_path, package)) as zip_file:
namelist = zip_file.namelist()
if recursive_search:
indices = [i for i, name in enumerate(namelist) if name.endswith(file_name)]
if len(indices) > 0:
file_name = namelist[indices[0]]
if file_name in namelist:
if path:
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
file_location = zip_file.extract(file_name, temp_dir)
ret_value = file_location
ret_value =
if not return_binary:
ret_value = ret_value.decode(encoding)
return ret_value
def _find_file(abs_dir, file_name):
Find the absolute path to a specified file. Note that the first entry
matching the file will be used, even if it exists elsewhere in the
directory structure.
ret_path = None
split = os.path.split(file_name)
abs_dir = os.path.join(abs_dir, split[0])
file_name = split[1]
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(abs_dir):
if file_name in filenames:
ret_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
return ret_path
class GetPackageAssetTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_package_asset(self):
tc = get_package_asset
aseq = self.assertEquals
# Search sublime-package
res = tc("User", "package_test_asset.txt")
aseq(res, "")
res = tc("User", "not_here.txt")
aseq(res, None)
# Search user directory
# abc.txt is a nested resource
res = tc("User", "abc.txt", True, True)
aseq(res, os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), "User", "nested_test", "abc.txt"))
res = tc("User", "abc.txt", False, True, True)
aseq(res, b"\xce\xb2")
res = tc("User", "abc.txt", False, True)
aseq(res, "β")
res = tc("User", "abc.txt", False, False)
aseq(res, None)
# Specify absolute path
res = tc("User", "nested_test" + os.sep + "abc.txt", False, True, True)
aseq(res, b"\xce\xb2")
res = tc("User", "nested_test" + os.sep + "abc.txt", False, False, True)
aseq(res, b"\xce\xb2")
def test_get_package_and_asset_name(self):
tc = get_package_and_asset_name
aseq = self.assertEquals
# Test relative unneted
r1 = (tc("Packages/Relative/"))
r2 = (tc("Packages\\Relative\\"))
r3 = (tc("Packages/Relative/nested/"))
r4 = (tc("Packages\\Relative\\nested\\"))
# Test nested
r5 = (tc("C:\\Abs\\Packages\\ZipPseudo.sublime-package\\nested\\"))
r6 = (tc(sublime.packages_path() + "/Absolute/Nested/asset.pth"))
r7 = (tc(sublime.packages_path() + "\\Absolute\\Nested\\asset.pth"))
r8 = (tc(sublime.installed_packages_path() + "/Absolute.sublime-package/Nested/asset.pth"))
r9 = (tc(sublime.installed_packages_path() + "\\Absolute.sublime-package\\Nested\\asset.pth"))
executable_path = os.path.dirname(sublime.executable_path()) + os.sep + "Packages"
r10 = (tc(executable_path + "/Absolute.sublime-package/Nested/asset.pth"))
r11 = (tc(executable_path + "\\Absolute.sublime-package\\Nested\\asset.pth"))
# Test Unnested
r12 = (tc(sublime.packages_path() + "/Absolute/asset.pth"))
r13 = (tc(sublime.packages_path() + "\\Absolute\\asset.pth"))
r14 = (tc(sublime.installed_packages_path() + "/Absolute.sublime-package/asset.pth"))
r15 = (tc(sublime.installed_packages_path() + "\\Absolute.sublime-package\\asset.pth"))
executable_path = os.path.dirname(sublime.executable_path()) + os.sep + "Packages"
r16 = (tc(executable_path + "/Absolute.sublime-package/asset.pth"))
r17 = (tc(executable_path + "\\Absolute.sublime-package\\asset.pth"))
aseq(r1, ('Relative', ''))
aseq(r2, ('Relative', ''))
aseq(r3, ('Relative', 'nested/'))
aseq(r4, ('Relative', 'nested\\'))
# aseq(r3, ('ZipPseudo', 'nested/'))
aseq(r5, (None, None))
aseq(r6, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r7, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r8, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r9, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r10, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r11, ('Absolute', 'Nested' + os.sep + 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r12, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r13, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r14, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r15, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r16, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
aseq(r17, ('Absolute', 'asset.pth'))
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