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Last active September 3, 2024 07:53
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* The table Printer class has no dependencies and generates an array of strings
* out of an array of objects or arrays and the child properties that should be printed given by an array of strings
* Should result in something like the following:
* +------+---------------+----------------+---------------+
* | id | name | col_name_three | col_name_four |
* +------+---------------+----------------+---------------+
* | 1138 | Bill Murray | thing 1 | thing 2 |
* | 2020 | Jeff Goldblum | thing 1 | thing 2 |
* | 117 | John-117 | thing 1 | thing 2 |
* +------+---------------+----------------+---------------+
* Credit:
class TableBuilder {
* Echo the rendered table rows
* @param array|string[] $renderedTableRows List of rendered table row strings
public function echoTableRows(array $renderedTableRows): void {
$eol = \PHP_EOL;
$green = '[32m'; // TODO: Make this configurable
$defaultColor = '[39m';
$i = 0;
foreach ($renderedTableRows as $rowStr) {
$isHeaderRow = $i === 1;
$rowColor = $isHeaderRow ? $green : $defaultColor; // Make the header row green
echo "\033{$rowColor}{$rowStr}{$eol}";
* Get an array of rendered table rows
* @param array|array[]|object[] $tableData Array of arrays/objects representing the table rows and corresponding data
* @param array|string[] $headers Array of table header strings
* @return array|string[] List of rendered table row strings
public function getTableRows(array $tableData, array $headers): array {
$lines = [];
$columnWidths = $this->calculateColumnWidths($tableData);
$rowSeparator = $this->renderRowSeparator($columnWidths);
$lines[] = $rowSeparator; // Add the top border of the table
$lines[] = $this->renderHeader($headers, $columnWidths); // Add the rendered table header
$lines[] = $rowSeparator; // Add the separator under the header
foreach ($tableData as $item) {
$lines[] = $this->renderRow($item, $columnWidths); // Add rendered data rows
$lines[] = $rowSeparator; // Add bottom border of the table
return $lines;
* Set the table column widths using the greatest width checking the header and data values
* @param array|array[]|object[] $tableData Array of table row data (row data may be an array or object)
* @return array List of column widths uses column name as the key
public function calculateColumnWidths(array $tableData): array {
$columnWidths = [];
foreach ($tableData as $rowData) {
foreach ($rowData as $column => $data) {
// Set the column width using the largest length be that from the data or the column header name
$columnWidths[$column] = max($columnWidths[$column] ?? strlen($column), strlen($data));
return $columnWidths;
* Create horizontal row seperator string
* @param array $columnWidths List of column widths
* @param string $rowColumnIntersect Text character to be used at the intersection of rows and columns, defaults to '+'
* @return string Horizontal row separator
public function renderRowSeparator(array $columnWidths, string $rowColumnIntersect = '+'): string {
$spacesAroundData = 2;
$separatorStr = $rowColumnIntersect;
foreach ($columnWidths as $width) {
$separatorStr .= $this->strRepeat('-', $width + $spacesAroundData);
$separatorStr .= $rowColumnIntersect;
return $separatorStr;
* Append a string to itself a given number of times
* @param string $str String to be repeated
* @param int $count The number of times to repeat the string
* @return string The repeated string
public function strRepeat(string $str, int $count): string {
$str2 = '';
for ($i = $count; $i > 0; $i--) {
$str2 .= $str;
return $str2;
* Render the table header
* @param array $headers List of table headers
* @param array $columnSize List of column widths
* @return string Rendered table header
public function renderHeader(array $headers, array $columnSize): string {
return $this->renderRow($headers, $columnSize, STR_PAD_BOTH);
* Create table row strings
* @param array|object $rowData Array or Object of key value row data
* @param array $columnSize List of column widths
* @return string Rendered table row
public function renderRow($rowData, array $columnSize, int $padType = STR_PAD_RIGHT): string {
$rowString = '';
foreach ($rowData as $column => $data) {
// This accounts for headers not having the corresponding column keys as the data itself is the column key
$rowWidth = $columnSize[$column] ?? $columnSize[$data];
$rowString .= '| ' . str_pad($data, $rowWidth, ' ', $padType) . ' ';
// Add the outer right side of the table if on last column
$headers = array_keys($rowData);
// If two columns have the same data, this prevents incorrectly adding the '|'
$rowString .= end($headers) === $column ? '|' : '';
return $rowString;
* Add two numeric values
* @param int $a Value to be added
* @param int $b Value to be added
* @return int The summed value of the arguments
public function sum(?int $a, int $b): int {
return ($a ?? 0) + $b;
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GlauberF commented Jul 22, 2022

Could you share an example of how to call and pass the data ?
I can customize the size of the columns and how would I do it?
Can I customize the colors?

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