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Created December 13, 2019 22:30
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polybar config
black = #0a0e14
blackGlass = #df0a0e14
whiteGlass = #eeeaeaff
warningYellow = #ffff11
red = #ff6666
blue = #77aaff
green = #aad7aa
membgGreen = #77aad7aa
mpdbgRed = #7fff7a7a
monitor = HDMI1
modules-right = wired-network-base wired-network-up wired-network-down memused memfree temp cpu pulseaudio datetime
background = ${colors.blackGlass}
screenchange-reload = true
bottom = false
width = 100%
height = 23
offset-x = 0
offset-y = 0
font-0 = SFMono:size=9.4
font-1 = Noto Color Emoji:style=Regular:scale=7;1
font-2 = SFPro:size=9.4
font-3 = SFMono:size=5
font-4 = SFMono:size=9
line-size = 4pixel
inherit = bar/right
monitor = eDP1
modules-right = pulseaudio timeonly
modules-left = mpdinfo
offset-x = 500
inherit = bar/right
height = 4
modules-right =
modules-left = membar
background = ${colors.membgGreen}
inherit = bar/right
override-redirect = false
monitor = eDP1
background = ${colors.mpdbgRed}
height = 4
offset-y = -4
modules-right =
modules-left = mpdbar
type = internal/date
format-underline = ${colors.whiteGlass}
format = "<label> "
date = %H:%M:%S
interval = 1
inherit = module/timeonly
date = %a %b %d, %Y | %H:%M:%S
type = internal/pulseaudio
format-volume-underline = ${colors.whiteGlass}
format-muted-underline = ${colors.warningYellow}
label-volume = " 🔊 "
label-muted = " 🔇 "
click-right = pavucontrol &
type = internal/network
interface = enp3s0
interval = 1
accumulate-stats = true
format-connected-underline = ${colors.whiteGlass}
format-disconnected-underline = ${colors.warningYellow}
label-connected = " %local_ip% %ifname% "
label-disconnected = " DOWN %ifname% "
inherit = module/wired-network-base
format-connected-underline = ${}
format-connected = "🔺<label-connected>K"
format-disconnected = "🔺DOWN"
label-connected = %upspeed:8%
label-connected-maxlen = 3
label-connected-ellipsis = false
inherit = module/wired-network-base
format-connected-underline = ${}
format-connected = "🔻<label-connected>K"
format-disconnected = "🔻DOWN"
label-connected = %downspeed:8%
label-connected-maxlen = 3
label-connected-ellipsis = false
type = internal/cpu
interval = 0.5
label = "%{u#ff6666} %percentage-core1:3%%₀%{u#77aaff} %percentage-core2:3%%₁"
type = internal/temperature
interval = 5
units = false
format-underline = ${colors.whiteGlass}
label = " %temperature-f:3%°F"
label-warn = "🔥%temperature-f:3%"
type = internal/memory
interval = 1
format-underline = ${}
format-padding = 1
format = "<label>G%{T4}used%{T-}"
label-maxlen = 4
label-ellipsis = false
label = "%gb_used:7%"
inherit = module/memused
format = "<label>G%{T4}free%{T-}"
label = "%gb_free:7%"
inherit = module/memused
format-padding = 0
format-underline = #00000000
format = "<bar-used>"
bar-used-indicator = "%{u#ededff} "
bar-used-width = 20
bar-used-fill = "%{u#77aaff} "
bar-used-empty = " "
type = internal/mpd
host =
port = 6600
interval = 1
format-online-underline = ${colors.mpdbgRed}
format-online-font = 5
format-playing-font = 5
format-paused-font = 5
format-stopped-font = 5
format-online-padding = 1
format-online = "💿 mpd online"
format-playing = "📀 <label-time> <label-song> %{T4}playing%{T-}"
format-paused = "💿 <label-time> <label-song> %{T4}paused%{T-}"
format-stopped = "💿 nothing is playing"
label-song-alignment = left
label-minlen = 100
label-song = "%artist% - %title%"
label-offline = "MPD is offline"
label-time = "%elapsed% / %total%"
inherit = module/mpdinfo
format-online-padding = 0
format-online = <bar-progress>
format-playing = <bar-progress>
format-paused = <bar-progress>
format-stopped = <bar-progress>
bar-progress-width = 229
bar-progress-indicator = "%{u#ededff} "
bar-progress-fill = "%{u#ff6666} "
bar-progress-empty = "%{u#00000000} "
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