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Created August 12, 2013 07:07
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Save skybrian/6208751 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An optimized version of sudoku.dart that runs 8x faster.
// Solve Every Sudoku Puzzle in Dart, optimized version
// A translation of:
// Translated and optimized by Brian Slesinsky
// See
// Throughout this program we have:
// r is a row, e.g. 'A'
// c is a column, e.g. '3'
// s is a Square, e.g. 'A3'
// d is a Digit, e.g. '9'
// u is a Unit, e.g. ['A1','B1','C1','D1','E1','F1','G1','H1','I1']
// grid is a grid, e.g. 81 non-blank chars, e.g. starting with '.18...7...'
// p is a Puzzle containing possible values for each square.
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:math' as math;
const rows = "ABCDEFGHI";
const cols = "123456789";
/// A Square is a key pointing to a square in the Sudoku grid.
class Square implements Comparable<Square> {
final int index;
final String col;
final String row;
Square.fromIndex(int i) :
index = i,
col = cols[i % cols.length],
row = rows[i ~/ cols.length];
int compareTo(Square other) =>, other.index);
String toString() => row + col;
final squares = new List.generate(rows.length * cols.length, (i) => new Square.fromIndex(i));
final squaresByName = new Map.fromIterable(squares, key: (k) => k.toString());
/// A Unit is a set of Squares that must contain the digits 1-9.
class Unit {
final List<Square> members;
Unit(String rows, String cols) :
members = new List.from(squares.where((s) => rows.contains(s.row) && cols.contains(s.col)));
bool contains(Square s) => members.contains(s);
String toString() => "Unit(${members.join(", ")})";
final unitlist = new List<Unit>()
..addAll(rows.split("").map((r) => new Unit(r, cols)))
..addAll(cols.split("").map((c) => new Unit(rows, c)))
..addAll(["ABC", "DEF", "GHI"].expand((cs) => ["123", "456", "789"].map((rs) => new Unit(cs, rs))));
final units = new Map<Square, List<Unit>>.fromIterable(squares,
value: (s) => new List.from(unitlist.where((u) => u.contains(s))));
final peers = new Map<Square, List<Square>>.fromIterable(squares,
value: (s) => (new Set()..addAll(units[s].expand((u) => u.members))..remove(s)).toList()..sort());
const DIGIT_NAMES = "123456789";
/// A Digit is a possible value of a Square in a solved puzzle. When a puzzle is not yet solved,
/// we represent the set of digits that might appear in each square as a bitset.
class Digit implements Comparable<Digit> {
static final all = new List<Digit>.from(DIGIT_NAMES.split("").map((d) => new Digit(d)));
// The empty set contains no digits (as a bitset).
static final int emptySet = 0;
// The set of all possible digits (as a bitset).
static final int allSet = => d.set).reduce((b1, b2) => b1 | b2);
final String name;
final int set; // The set containing only this digit, as a bitset with a single bit turned on.
Digit(String digit) :
name = digit,
set = 1 << DIGIT_NAMES.indexOf(digit) {
assert(DIGIT_NAMES.indexOf(digit) != -1);
// Returns true if this digit is a member of the given set of digits, represented as a bitset.
bool present(int bitset) => (bitset & this.set) != 0;
// Returns a new set of digits with this digit removed.
int removeFrom(int bitset) => bitset & ~this.set;
int compareTo(Digit other) =>,;
String toString() => "Digit(${name})";
static List<Digit> setToList(int bitset) => new List.from(all.where((d) => d.present(bitset)));
static String setToString(int bitset) => setToList(bitset).map((d) =>"");
// Unit tests
void test() {
print("running tests");
assert(squares.length == 81);
assert(unitlist.length == 27);
assert(squares.every((s) => units[s].length == 3));
assert(squares.every((s) => peers[s].length == 20));
assert(units[squaresByName["C2"]].toString() ==
"[Unit(C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9), " +
"Unit(A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, I2), " +
"Unit(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3)]");
assert(peers[squaresByName["C2"]].toString() ==
"[A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, I2]");
assert(Digit.all.length == 9);
assert(Digit.setToString(Digit.emptySet) == "");
assert(Digit.setToString(Digit.allSet) == "123456789");
for (Digit d in Digit.all) {
assert(Digit.setToString(d.set) ==;
assert(Digit.setToString(new Digit("2").removeFrom(Digit.allSet)) == "13456789");
print('All tests pass.');
// Puzzles
/// Convert a grid into a map from Squares to digit names with '0' or '.' for empties.
Map<Square, String> grid_values(String grid) {
var chars = new List.from(grid.split("").where((c) => DIGIT_NAMES.contains(c) || "0.".contains(c)));
assert(chars.length == 81);
return new Map.fromIterables(squares, chars);
/// A Puzzle is a set of solutions (possibly empty) to a Sudoku puzzle.
/// We represent it as a map from a Square to a set of allowed Digits for that square.
/// (For efficiency, the map is actually a List and each set is represented as a bitset and stored in an int.)
class Puzzle {
/// The key is a Square.index and the value is composed by doing a bitwise OR of Digit.set fields.
final List<int> bitsets;
/// Number of possible digits remaining for the given square.
final List<int> digitCount;
Puzzle.blank() :
bitsets = new List.filled(rows.length * cols.length, Digit.allSet),
digitCount = new List.filled(rows.length * cols.length, 9);
Puzzle.copy(Puzzle original) :
bitsets = copyList(original.bitsets),
digitCount = copyList(original.digitCount);
/// Parses a grid into a Puzzle. Returns null if the puzzle cannot be solved.
/// (Otherwise we don't know yet.)
factory Puzzle.parse(String grid) {
var p = new Puzzle.blank();
grid_values(grid).forEach((s,d) {
if (p != null && DIGIT_NAMES.contains(d)) {
p = p.assign(s, new Digit(d)) ? p : null;
return p;
/// Returns true if a digit is present in the given square.
bool present(Square s, Digit d) => d.present(bitsets[s.index]);
/// Returns the possible digits for the given square.
List<Digit> choices(Square s) => Digit.setToList(bitsets[s.index]);
/// Returns the possible digits for the given square as a string.
String choicesString(Square s) => Digit.setToString(bitsets[s.index]);
/// Sets the value in the given square to the given digit.
/// Returns false if as a result, the Puzzle is unsolvable.
/// If false is returned, the Puzzle should no longer be used.
bool assign(Square s, Digit d) {
int toRemove = d.removeFrom(bitsets[s.index]);
for (Digit d in Digit.all) {
if (d.present(toRemove) && !eliminate(s, d)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Forbids the given digit from appearing in the given square.
/// Returns false if as a result, the Puzzle is unsolvable.
/// If false is returned, the Puzzle should no longer be used.
bool eliminate(Square s, Digit d) {
int before = bitsets[s.index];
int after = d.removeFrom(before);
if (before == after) {
return true; // Already eliminated.
if (after == Digit.emptySet) {
return false; // This square is unsolvable.
bitsets[s.index] = after;
int remainingCount = digitCount[s.index] - 1;
digitCount[s.index] = remainingCount;
// (1) If there is one digit remaining, this square is solved.
if (remainingCount == 1) {
for (Digit d2 in Digit.all) {
if (d2.present(after)) {
// Remove it from all its peers.
if (!peers[s].every((s2) => eliminate(s2, d2))) {
return false;
// (2) If a unit u is reduced to only one place for a value d, then put it there.
for (Unit u in units[s]) {
Square dplace = null;
int dplaceCount = 0;
for (var s2 in u.members) {
if (present(s2, d)) {
if (dplaceCount > 1) {
break; // Digit is in more than once place; doesn't matter how many.
dplace = s2;
if (dplaceCount == 0) {
return false; // Contradiction: no place for this value
} else if (dplaceCount == 1) {
// d can only be in one place in unit; assign it there
if (!assign(dplace, d)) {
return false;
return true;
/// A puzzle is solved if each unit is solved.
bool solved() {
return unitlist.every((u) => solvedUnit(u));
/// A unit is solved if every square is solved and they contain a permutation of the digits 1 to 9.
bool solvedUnit(Unit u) {
List<Square> squares = new List.from(u.members.where((s) => solvedSquare(s)));
if (squares.length != 9) {
return false;
List<Digit> digits = new List.from( => choices(s).single));
return DIGIT_NAMES == =>"");
/// A square is solved if there is one possible digit.
bool solvedSquare(Square s) => digitCount[s.index] == 1;
/// Returns the unsolved square with the fewest possible digits, or null if the puzzle is solved.
Square minUnsolved() {
Square best = null;
int bestCount = 10;
for (var s in squares) {
int count = digitCount[s.index];
if (count == 2) {
return s;
} else if (count > 1 && count < bestCount) {
best = s;
bestCount = count;
return best;
/// Formats the puzzle as a 2-D grid.
String toString() {
int width = 1 + => choicesString(s).length).reduce(math.max);
final separatorLine = repeat(repeat("-", 3 * width), 3, join: "+") + "\n";
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (var s in squares) {
out.write(center(choicesString(s), width));
if ("36".contains(s.col)) {
} else if (s.col == "9") {
if ("CF".contains(s.row)) {
return out.toString();
// Search
Puzzle solve(String grid) {
return search(new Puzzle.parse(grid));
Puzzle search(Puzzle p) {
if (p == null) {
return null;
if (squares.every((s) => p.solvedSquare(s))) {
return p;
Square minS = p.minUnsolved();
for (Digit d in p.choices(minS)) {
var p2 = new Puzzle.copy(p);
if (p2.assign(minS, d)) {
var answer = search(p2);
if (answer != null) {
return answer;
return null;
// Utilities
String repeat(String s, int times, {String join: ""}) => new List.filled(times, s).join(join);
String center(String s, int width) {
var before = repeat(" ", (width - s.length)~/2);
var after = repeat(" ", width);
return (before + s + after).substring(0, width);
/// Copies a list. This is a bit faster than List.from().
List copyList(List original) {
var copy = new List(original.length);
for (int i = 0; i < original.length; i++) {
copy[i] = original[i];
return copy;
/// Parse a file into a list of strings, separated by sep.
async.Future<List<String>> from_file(String filename, {String sep: '\n'}) {
var result = new async.Completer();
new io.File(filename).readAsString(encoding: io.Encoding.ASCII).then((contents) {
return result.future;
final random = new math.Random();
/// Returns a randomly shuffled copy of the input list.
List shuffled(List source) {
var out = new List(source.length);
for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
var j = random.nextInt(i + 1);
out[i] = out[j];
out[j] = source[i];
return out;
// System test
/// Attempt to solve a sequence of grids. Report results.
/// When showif is a number of seconds, display puzzles that take longer.
/// When showif is null, don't display any puzzles."""
void solve_all(List<String> grids, {String name: "", num showif: 0.0}) {
fmt(num secs) => secs.toStringAsFixed(2);
num sumTimes = 0;
num maxTime = 0;
int solvedCount = 0;
time_solve(String grid) {
var clock = new Stopwatch()..start();
Puzzle p = solve(grid);
num t = clock.elapsed.inMicroseconds / Duration.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND;
if (showif != null && t > showif) {
print(new Puzzle.parse(grid));
if (p != null) {
print('(${fmt(t)} seconds)');
sumTimes += t;
if (t > maxTime) {
maxTime = t;
solvedCount += p != null && p.solved() ? 1 : 0;
var n = grids.length;
if (n > 1) {
print("Solved ${solvedCount} of ${n} ${name} puzzles (avg ${fmt(sumTimes/n)} secs (${n~/sumTimes} Hz), max ${maxTime} secs)");
/// Make a random puzzle with N or more assignments. Restart on contradictions.
/// Note the resulting puzzle is not guaranteed to be solvable, but empirically
/// about 99.8% of them are solvable. Some have multiple solutions.
String random_puzzle({int n: 17}) {
var p = new Puzzle.blank();
for (var s in shuffled(squares)) {
var choices = p.choices(s);
var choice = choices[random.nextInt(choices.length)];
if (!p.assign(s, choice)) {
var ds = squares.where((s) => p.solvedSquare(s));
if (ds.length >= n && new Set.from(ds).length >= 8) {
return => p.solvedSquare(s) ? p.choices(s).single.toString() : ".").join("");
return random_puzzle(n: n); // Give up and make a new puzzle.
var grid1 = '003020600900305001001806400008102900700000008006708200002609500800203009005010300';
var grid2 = '4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1.......';
var hard1 = '.....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................';
void main() {
solve_all([grid1, grid2], showif: null);
// solve_all([hard1]);
from_file("top95.txt").then((grids) {
solve_all(grids, name: "hard", showif: null);
}).then((x) => from_file("hardest.txt")).then((grids) {
solve_all(grids, name: "hardest", showif: null);
}).then((x) {
solve_all(new List.generate(100, (i) => random_puzzle()), name: "random", showif: 1.0);
// Output in checked mode:
// running tests
// All tests pass.
// Solved 2 of 2 puzzles (avg 0.01 secs (87 Hz), max 0.015466 secs)
// Solved 95 of 95 hard puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (300 Hz), max 0.017949 secs)
// Solved 11 of 11 hardest puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (982 Hz), max 0.001596 secs)
// Solved 100 of 100 random puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (1196 Hz), max 0.001503 secs)
// Output in unchecked more:
// running tests
// All tests pass.
// Solved 2 of 2 puzzles (avg 0.02 secs (40 Hz), max 0.045424 secs)
// Solved 95 of 95 hard puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (535 Hz), max 0.011086 secs)
// Solved 11 of 11 hardest puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (1908 Hz), max 0.000768 secs)
// Solved 100 of 100 random puzzles (avg 0.00 secs (2384 Hz), max 0.000849 secs)
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