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Created March 29, 2014 07:05
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import Dict
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, hoverable)
import Mouse
import Window
type Pixel = (Int)
type Palette = {length: Int, colors: Dict.Dict Pixel Color}
makePalette: [Color] -> Palette
makePalette list =
let indexed = zip [0..(length list) - 1] list
in {length = (length list), colors = Dict.fromList indexed}
type Coord = (Int, Int)
type Grid = {width: Int, height: Int, pixels: Dict.Dict Coord Pixel}
makeGrid: [[Pixel]] -> Grid
makeGrid pixels =
let width = (length (head pixels))
height = (length pixels)
indexed y list =
let coord x = (x, y)
in zip (map coord [0..width-1]) list
in let pairs = concat (zipWith indexed [0..height-1] pixels)
in {width = width, height = height, pixels = Dict.fromList pairs}
makeBlankGrid: Int -> Int -> Pixel -> Grid
makeBlankGrid x y c = makeGrid (repeat y (repeat x c))
type Painting = {palette: Palette, grid: Grid}
model: Painting
model = {
palette = makePalette [black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple],
grid = makeBlankGrid 50 50 0 }
pixelAt: Painting -> Int -> Int -> Pixel
pixelAt p y x =
case Dict.lookup (x, y) p.grid.pixels of
Just px -> px
Nothing -> 0
colorAt: Painting -> Int -> Int -> Color
colorAt p y x =
case Dict.lookup (pixelAt p y x) p.palette.colors of
Just c -> c
Nothing -> black
setPixel: Coord -> Pixel -> Painting -> Painting
setPixel coord pixel p =
let grid = p.grid in
let newGrid = { grid | pixels <- (Dict.insert coord pixel p.grid.pixels) }
in { p | grid <- newGrid }
hoverCoord: Input (Maybe Coord)
hoverCoord = input Nothing
drawCoord: Signal (Maybe Coord)
drawCoord = dropRepeats (keepWhen Mouse.isDown Nothing hoverCoord.signal)
cellAt: Painting -> Int -> Int -> Element
cellAt p y x =
let cell = (color (colorAt p y x) (spacer 10 10))
in hoverable hoverCoord.handle (\on -> if on then Just (x,y) else Nothing) cell
rowAt: Painting -> Int -> Element
rowAt p y =
flow right (map (cellAt p y) [0..(p.grid.width-1)])
renderPainting: Painting -> Element
renderPainting p = flow down (map (rowAt p) [0..(p.grid.height-1)])
render: Painting -> (Int,Int) -> Element
render p (x,y) = container x y middle (renderPainting p)
step: Maybe Coord -> Painting -> Painting
step coord p = maybe p (\c -> setPixel c 1 p) coord
frames: Signal Painting
frames = foldp step model drawCoord
main: Signal Element
main = lift2 render frames Window.dimensions
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