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Last active April 10, 2023 18:48
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houdini vex snippets
// houdini vex snippets
// get angle between two vectors ( 0 - 360 dergees )
float angleBetween ( vector v1; vector v2 ) {
// define up vector
vector up = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
float angle = acos(dot(v1, v2));
int firstHalf = sign(dot(v2, cross(up, v1))) >= 0;
angle = firstHalf ? angle : 2 * PI - angle;
return degrees(angle);
// get nearest point on a finite line
vector nearestPointOnFiniteLine ( vector start; vector end; vector pnt ) {
vector line = (end - start);
float lineLength = length(line);
line = normalize(line);
vector v = pnt - start;
float d = dot(v, line);
d = clamp(d, 0.0, lineLength);
return start + line * d;
// get array of attribute names, useful for iterating over all attributes
// it can only get attributes that already exist, not attributes created in current wrangle
string pointattributes[] = detailintrinsic(0, "pointattributes");
// unique values of array
// src:
function int[] fn_arrayuniqueval (int arr[])
int tmp[] = {};
foreach(int src; arr)
int i =0;
foreach(int itm; tmp) if (src == itm) i++ ;
if (i == 0) append(tmp, src);
return arr = tmp;
// Custom Code
i[]@List = {1,8,8,2,7,3,8,4,8,6,7,1,1};
@List = fn_arrayuniqueval(@List);
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