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Created October 13, 2015 04:22
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peer.discovery = {
# if peer discovery is off
# the peer window will show
# only what retrieved by active
# peer [true/false]
enabled = true
#enabled = false
# number of workers that
# tastes the peers for being
# online [1..10]
workers = 8
# List of the peers to start
# the search of the online peers
# values: [ip:port, ip:port, ip:port ...]
ip.list = [
# indicates if the discovered nodes and their reputations
# are stored in DB and persisted between VM restarts
#persist = true
persist = false
# the period in seconds with which the discovery
# tries to reconnect to successful nodes
# 0 means the nodes are not reconnected
touchPeriod = 600
# the maximum nuber of nodes to reconnect to
# -1 for unlimited
#touchMaxNodes = 100
touchMaxNodes = 1
# external IP/hostname which is reported as our host during discovery
# if not set, the service is used
# the last resort is to get the peer.bind.ip address
external.ip = null
# indicates whether the discovery will include own home node
# within the list of neighbor nodes
public.home.node = true
peer {
# Boot node list
active = [
# frontier peer
# ip = ""
ip = "",
port = 30303,
nodeId = 8ffc7ef38d8aa38f5ec9cac58f286b41d2a811703a97a8edfe1e4cd412164755bf721654e3863741ff0721601bf3944190baf51973107971eba2444a0c84f9b7
# The protocols supported by peer
# can be: [eth, shh, bzz]
capabilities = [eth]
# Local network adapter IP to which
# the discovery UDP socket is bound
# e.g:
# if the value is empty will be retrived
# by punching to some know address e.g:
bind.ip = ""
# Peer for server to listen for incoming
# connections
listen.port = 30305
# connection timeout for trying to
# connect to a peer [seconds]
connection.timeout = 2
# the parameter specifies how much
# time we will wait for a message
# to come before closing the channel = 30
# Private key of the peer
# derived nodeId = dead745c1dbcde518b48e52aca1e8d5ba666005a2c8804e39826c6080fb11c1e8abe41d1e41896e871f204f790a90fa9781744cccecf492212192a7c56e7673b
# derived nodeId = fe3fd3bfd5595ea43605cdd896b6eed514322018b4c241ce4a206da8d23ec95e15daeff131c2e65434b14034645911d65ab34c1e9155c1febaef702b9cc0f0f4
#privateKey = f67c4032a7ff79bbfa7a780331b235c4eb681d51a0704cb1562064fb6c4bced4
privateKey = a30cbe234887fd5b54441be49f3ad664d682d50c45bc23f07a388a83939bc668
# Network id
networkId = 54321
# the folder resources/genesis
# contains several versions of
# genesis configuration according
# to the network the peer will run on
genesis = frontier-custom.json
# the time we wait to the network
# to approve the transaction, the
# transaction got approved when
# include into a transactions msg
# retrieved from the peer [seconds]
transaction.approve.timeout = 15
# the number of blocks should pass
# before pending transaction is removed
transaction.outdated.threshold = 10
# default directory where we keep
# basic Serpent samples relative
# to home.dir
samples.dir = samples
database {
# place to save physical storage files
#dir = database
dir = /home/merlin/zDev/ethj_work_dir
# every time the application starts
# the existing database will be
# destroyed and all the data will be
# downloaded from peers again [true/false]
# changed_ok__
#reset = false
reset = true
# this string is computed
# to be eventually the address
# that get the miner reward
coinbase.secret = monkey
dump {
# for testing purposes
# all the state will be dumped
# in JSON form to [dump.dir]
# if [dump.full] = true
# possible values [true/false]
full = false
dir = dmp
# This defines the vmtrace dump
# to the console and the style
# -1 for no block trace
# styles: [pretty/standard+] (default: standard+)
block = -1
style = pretty
# clean the dump dir each start
clean.on.restart = true
# structured trace
# is the trace being
# collected in the
# form of objects and
# exposed to the user
# in json or any other
# convenient form.
vm.structured {
trace = false
dir = vmtrace
compressed = true
initStorageLimit = 10000
# make changes to tracing options
# starting from certain block
# -1 don't make any tracing changes
trace.startblock = -1
# invoke vm program on
# message received,
# if the vm is not invoked
# the balance transfer
# occurs anyway [true/false]
play.vm = true
# hello phrase will be included in
# the hello message of the peer
hello.phrase = Dev
# this property used
# mostly for a debug purpose
# so if you don't know exactly how
# to apply it leave to be [-1]
# ADVANCED: if we want to load a root hash
# for db not from the saved block chain (last block)
# but any manual hash this property will help.
# values [-1] - load from db
# [hex hash 32 bytes] root hash
root.hash.start = null
# Key value data source values: [leveldb/redis/mapdb]
keyvalue.datasource = leveldb
# Redis cloud enabled flag.
# Allows using RedisConnection for creating cloud based data structures.
# Load the blocks
# from a rlp lines
# file and not for
# the net
# the parameter speciphy when exactly
# to switch managing storage of the
# account on autonomous db
# cache for blockchain run
# the flush hapens depending
# on memory usage or blocks
# treshhold if both specipied
# memory will take precedence
cache {
flush {
# [0.7 = 70% memory to flush]
memory = 0.7
# [10000 flush each 10000 blocks]
blocks = 10000
# eth sync process
sync {
# block chain synchronization
# can be: [true/false]
enabled = true
# maximum blocks hashes to ask.
# sending GET_BLOCK_HASHES msg
# we specify number of block we want
# to get, recomendec value [1..1000]
# Default: unlimited
max.hashes.ask = 10000
# maximum blocks to ask,
# when downloading the chain
# sequenteally sending GET_BLOCKS msg
# we specify number of blocks we want
# to get, recomendec value [1..120]
max.blocks.ask = 100
# minimal peers count
# used in sync process
# sync may use more peers
# than this value
# but always trying to get
# at least this number from discovery
peer.count = 1
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