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Created May 25, 2018 12:50
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# Transforms cava music visualizer in a cool desktop decoration
# Author: Guido_Fe
# Dependencies (and credits):
# xdotool
# cava
# URxvt
# devilspie
# Usage:
# To start, execute this script. To stop, execute this sctipt again.
# Description:
# This script starts the cava music visualizer on a transparent backround through URxvt
# ('cause it's easy to customize and support transparent foreground and background). It
# then uses devilspie to strip it of his window decorations and rules, move it to the
# right place and resize it.
# Problem: the panel doesn't allow you to focus the windows below it.
# My solution: move cava under the screen when the mouse pointer go over
# it, and reset its position when I move the pointer away. I accomplished this
# behavior with xdotool.
# Remember to don't leave spaces before and after the equal symbol
# X value of the screen resolution
# Y value
# Offset applied to the window's vertical position
# Height of the cava panel
# If you want to use a different cava config, set this parameter to the respective path or
# leave '' if you don't want to change it
# Set these parameters if you want to transform a default terminal color to another one.
# This is useful if you want to have semitransparent cava bars. To do so, first set the
# cava bar colors to a default one, different to the background (white, red, green...),
# form the cava config file, and assign it's color number to the inColor variable.
# The numbers are:
# black='0', red='1', green='2', yellow='3', blue='4', magenta='5', cyan='6', white='7'
# then set the outColor variable to the color you
# want. Examples: inColor='2' outColor='[80]#223454', where 80 is the alpha level. The
# alpha level can be '0' (fully transparent), '100' (fully opaque, or a value in between.
# For outCol you can also use normal color definitions, like '#223454'.
# As usual, leave both blank ('') if you don't want to set them.
# Process parameters
if [ ! $cavaConf = '' ]; then
cavaConf=" -p $cavaConf"
if [ ! $inCol = '' -a ! $outCol = '' ]; then
inCol=" --color$inCol"
outCol=" $outCol"
#Check if it's already running
if [ "$1" = 'stop' ] || [ "$1" = 'restart' ]; then
if [ `cat /tmp/processesToKill 2> /dev/null | wc -l` -ne 0 ]; then
#Kills the processes of the other instance and itself
echo "Stopping..."
kill -15 `cat /tmp/processesToKill` > /dev/null 2>&1
rm /tmp/processesToKill
if [ "$1" = 'start' ] || [ "$1" = 'restart' ]; then
echo "Starting..."
#The core of the program
echo $$ >> /tmp/processesToKill
#Write the conf file for devilspie
echo '(and
(is (window_name) "cava")
(is (window_class) "URxvt")
(wintype "desktop")
(geometry "'$Xscreen'x'$h'+0+'`expr $Yscreen - $h + $offset`'")
)' > /tmp/cava.ds
#Start urxvt and execute cava in it. Change the color white to the one chosen
urxvt -bg "[0]red"$inCol$outCol -b 0 -depth 32 +sb -e cava$cavaConf &
echo $wPid >> /tmp/processesToKill
# Starts devilspie, that will move and resize the window
devilspie /tmp/cava.ds > /dev/null &
echo $! >> /tmp/processesToKill
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