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Last active March 5, 2019 22:10
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.container-3ayLPN .option-96V44q.selected-rZcOL-, /* Search (hovered) */
.container-3gCOGc .friendsTable-133bsv .friendTableAddWrapper-nHHZtK .friendTableSuggestionsHeader-2zSnpD, /* Friends table header */
.container-3gCOGc .friendsTable-133bsv .friendsRow-2yicud:hover, /* Friends table (hover) */
.radioGroup-1GBvlr .cardPrimaryEditable-3KtE4g:hover .checkbox-1ix_J3::before, /* Settings > Privacy & Safety cards checkbox (hover) */
.contentColumn-2hrIYH .notDetected-33MY4s, /* Settings > Game Activity */
.standardSidebarView-3F1I7i #bd-customcss-attach-controls button:hover, .bd-detached-css-editor #bd-customcss-attach-controls button:hover, /* Settings > Custom CSS buttons (hover) */
.popoutBottom-1YbShG .menu-Sp6bN1, /* Server menu popout */
.theme-dark .select-2TCrqx .Select-control .Select-placeholder, /* Notification overrides */
.popout-3sVMXz .container-3cGP6G /* Message options (edit, delete..) */
background-color: var(--nox-level1) !important;
.theme-dark .inner-zqa7da, /* Chat bar */
.userPopout-3XzG_A .quickMessage-2XpSaN, /* Message in user profile popout */
.container-3gCOGc .friendsTable-133bsv .friendsRow-2yicud, /* Friends table */
.radioGroup-1GBvlr .cardPrimaryEditable-3KtE4g:hover, /* Settings > Privacy & Safety cards (hover) */
.radioGroup-1GBvlr .cardPrimaryEditable-3KtE4g .checkbox-1ix_J3::before, /* Settings > Privacy & Safety cards checkbox */
.button-38aScr.lookLink-9FtZy-:hover, /* Reset nickname */
.embed .embed-thumbnail-gifv video, .attachment-image img, .attachment-image .image, .embed .image, .embed-thumbnail.embed-thumbnail-image[href*=".gif"], .embed .embedThumbnail-2Y84-K img, .imageWrapper-2p5ogY.imageZoom-1n-ADA, .embedImage-2W1cML /* Media background when it has transparency */
background-color: var(--nox-level2) !important;
.theme-dark .autocomplete-1vrmpx, /* Message autocomplete */
.container-3ayLPN .searchOption-zQ-1l6.selected-rZcOL- .filter-3Y_im-, /* Search (hovered) (keyword) */
.chat-3bRxxu form .typing-2GQL18, /* "X is typing..." message */
.theme-dark .cardPrimaryEditable-3KtE4g, .theme-dark .cardPrimaryOutline-29Ujqw, .theme-dark .cardPrimary-1Hv-to, /* Settings > My account */
.theme-dark .codeRedemptionRedirect-1wVR4b, /* Settings > Billing */
.bd-plugin-container, .bda-slist li /* Settings > Themes */
background-color: var(--nox-level3) !important;
.guildsWrapper-5TJh6A .guild-1EfMGQ.guildsAdd-21_IdK::before /* Gradient at the bottom of the server list */
background: -webkit-gradient(left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(48, 48, 48, 0)), color-stop(60%, var(--nox-level1)), color-stop(100%, var(--nox-level1)));
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(48, 48, 48, 0) 0%, var(--nox-level1) 60%, var(--nox-level1) 100%);
.anchor-3Z-8Bb, .lookLink-9FtZy-.colorLink-35jkBc /* Hyperlinks */
color: var(--nox-accent) !important;
.theme-dark .codeRedemptionRedirect-1wVR4b {
border-color: var(--nox-level3) !important;
.header-2o-2hj:hover /* Server menu button */
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) !important;
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