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Last active January 6, 2016 08:53
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Save skyem123/a6f912af97f25ea8d7e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
public class BitStuff {
* Rotates a long.
* @param data The long to be rotated.
* @param amount The amount to rotate the byte by, if greater than 0, rotate right, if less than 0, rotate left.
* @param dataLength The length of the data. If 0, assumes long length (65 bits).
* @return The rotated byte.
// TODO: optimise?
public static long rotate(long data, int dataLength, int amount) {
if (dataLength == 0) dataLength = Long.SIZE;
if (amount > 0) {
// Rotate Right
// Shift the whole thing right.
long rotated = data >>> amount;
// Get the chopped off bits and move them.
long removed = data << dataLength - amount;
// stick the chopped off bits back on.
rotated = rotated | removed;
return rotated;
} else if (amount < 0) {
amount = Math.abs(amount);
// Rotate Left
// Shift the whole thing left.
long rotated = data << amount;
// Get the chopped off bits and move them.
long removed = data >>> dataLength - amount;
// stick the chopped off bits back on.
rotated = rotated | removed;
return rotated;
} else {
// No Rotation
return data;
* Rotates an integer.
* @param data The integer to be rotated.
* @param amount The amount to rotate the byte by, if greater than 0, rotate right, if less than 0, rotate left.
* @param dataLength The length of the data. If 0, assumes integer length (32 bits).
* @return The rotated byte.
public static int rotate(int data, int dataLength, int amount) {
if (dataLength == 0) dataLength = Integer.SIZE;
if (amount > 0) {
return (data >>> amount) | (data << dataLength - amount);
} else if (amount < 0) {
amount = Math.abs(amount);
return (data << amount) | (data >>> dataLength - amount);
} else {
// No Rotation
return data;
* Rotates a short.
* @param data The integer to be rotated.
* @param amount The amount to rotate the byte by, if greater than 0, rotate right, if less than 0, rotate left.
* @param dataLength The length of the data. If 0, assumes short length (16 bits).
* @return The rotated byte.
public static short rotate(short data, int dataLength, int amount) {
if (dataLength == 0) dataLength = Short.SIZE;
if (amount > 0) {
return (short) ((data >>> amount) | (data << dataLength - amount));
} else if (amount < 0) {
amount = Math.abs(amount);
return (short) ((data << amount) | (data >>> dataLength - amount));
} else {
// No Rotation
return data;
* Rotates a byte.
* @param data The integer to be rotated.
* @param amount The amount to rotate the byte by, if greater than 0, rotate right, if less than 0, rotate left.
* @param dataLength The length of the data. If 0, assumes byte length (8 bits).
* @return The rotated byte.
public static byte rotate(byte data, int dataLength, int amount) {
if (dataLength == 0) dataLength = Byte.SIZE;
if (amount > 0) {
return (byte) ((data >>> amount) | (data << dataLength - amount));
} else if (amount < 0) {
amount = Math.abs(amount);
return (byte) ((data << amount) | (data >>> dataLength - amount));
} else {
// No Rotation
return data;
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