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Created June 26, 2020 16:51
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//SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicensed
pragma solidity ^0.6.4;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
// needed for upgradability
//import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
//import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
library Buffer {
function hasCapacityFor(bytes memory buffer, uint256 needed)
returns (bool)
uint256 size;
uint256 used;
assembly {
size := mload(buffer)
used := mload(add(buffer, 32))
return size >= 32 && used <= size - 32 && used + needed <= size - 32;
function toString(bytes memory buffer)
returns (string memory)
require(hasCapacityFor(buffer, 0), "Buffer.toString: invalid buffer");
string memory ret;
assembly {
ret := add(buffer, 32)
return ret;
function append(bytes memory buffer, string memory str) internal view {
hasCapacityFor(buffer, bytes(str).length),
"Buffer.append: no capacity"
assembly {
let len := mload(add(buffer, 32))
add(str, 32),
add(len, add(buffer, 64)),
mstore(add(buffer, 32), add(len, mload(str)))
function rect(
bytes memory buffer,
int256[2] memory positions,
uint256[2] memory size,
uint256 rgb
) internal pure {
require(hasCapacityFor(buffer, 102), "Buffer.rect: no capacity");
int256 xpos = positions[0];
int256 ypos = positions[1];
uint256 width = size[0];
uint256 height = size[1];
assembly {
function numbx1(x, v) -> y {
// v must be in the closed interval [0, 9]
// otherwise it outputs junk
mstore8(x, add(v, 48))
y := add(x, 1)
function numbx2(x, v) -> y {
// v must be in the closed interval [0, 99]
// otherwise it outputs junk
y := numbx1(numbx1(x, div(v, 10)), mod(v, 10))
function numbu3(x, v) -> y {
// v must be in the closed interval [0, 999]
// otherwise only the last 3 digits will be converted
switch lt(v, 100)
case 0 {
// without input value sanitation: y := numbx2(numbx1(x, div(v, 100)), mod(v, 100))
y := numbx2(
numbx1(x, mod(div(v, 100), 10)),
mod(v, 100)
default {
switch lt(v, 10)
case 0 {
y := numbx2(x, v)
default {
y := numbx1(x, v)
function numbi3(x, v) -> y {
// v must be in the closed interval [-999, 999]
// otherwise only the last 3 digits will be converted
if slt(v, 0) {
v := add(not(v), 1)
mstore8(x, 45) // minus sign
x := add(x, 1)
y := numbu3(x, v)
function hexrgb(x, v) -> y {
let blo := and(v, 0xf)
let bhi := and(shr(4, v), 0xf)
let glo := and(shr(8, v), 0xf)
let ghi := and(shr(12, v), 0xf)
let rlo := and(shr(16, v), 0xf)
let rhi := and(shr(20, v), 0xf)
mstore8(x, add(add(rhi, mul(div(rhi, 10), 39)), 48))
mstore8(add(x, 1), add(add(rlo, mul(div(rlo, 10), 39)), 48))
mstore8(add(x, 2), add(add(ghi, mul(div(ghi, 10), 39)), 48))
mstore8(add(x, 3), add(add(glo, mul(div(glo, 10), 39)), 48))
mstore8(add(x, 4), add(add(bhi, mul(div(bhi, 10), 39)), 48))
mstore8(add(x, 5), add(add(blo, mul(div(blo, 10), 39)), 48))
y := add(x, 6)
function append(x, str, len) -> y {
mstore(x, str)
y := add(x, len)
let strIdx := add(mload(add(buffer, 32)), add(buffer, 64))
strIdx := append(strIdx, '<rect x="', 9)
strIdx := numbi3(strIdx, xpos)
strIdx := append(strIdx, '" y="', 5)
strIdx := numbi3(strIdx, ypos)
strIdx := append(strIdx, '" width="', 9)
strIdx := numbu3(strIdx, width)
strIdx := append(strIdx, '" height="', 10)
strIdx := numbu3(strIdx, height)
strIdx := append(strIdx, '" style="fill:#', 15)
strIdx := hexrgb(strIdx, rgb)
strIdx := append(strIdx, '; fill-opacity:1.0;"/>\n', 23)
mstore(add(buffer, 32), sub(sub(strIdx, buffer), 64))
library Random {
* Initialize the pool with the entropy of the blockhashes of the blocks in the closed interval [earliestBlock, latestBlock]
* The argument "seed" is optional and can be left zero in most cases.
* This extra seed allows you to select a different sequence of random numbers for the same block range.
function init(
uint256 earliestBlock,
uint256 latestBlock,
uint256 seed
) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
//require(block.number-1 >= latestBlock && latestBlock >= earliestBlock && earliestBlock >= block.number-256, "Random.init: invalid block interval");
block.number - 1 >= latestBlock && latestBlock >= earliestBlock,
"Random.init: invalid block interval"
bytes32[] memory pool = new bytes32[](latestBlock - earliestBlock + 2);
bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(earliestBlock, seed));
for (uint256 i = 0; i <= latestBlock - earliestBlock; i++) {
// Add some salt to each blockhash so that we don't reuse those hash chains
// when this function gets called again in another block.
pool[i + 1] = keccak256(
abi.encodePacked(blockhash(earliestBlock + i), salt)
return pool;
* Initialize the pool from the latest "num" blocks.
function initLatest(uint256 num, uint256 seed)
returns (bytes32[] memory)
return init(block.number - num, block.number - 1, seed);
* Advances to the next 256-bit random number in the pool of hash chains.
function next(bytes32[] memory pool) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(pool.length > 1, " invalid pool");
uint256 roundRobinIdx = (uint256(pool[0]) % (pool.length - 1)) + 1;
bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(pool[roundRobinIdx]));
pool[0] = bytes32(uint256(pool[0]) + 1);
pool[roundRobinIdx] = hash;
return uint256(hash);
function stringToUint(string memory s)
returns (uint256 result)
bytes memory b = bytes(s);
uint256 i;
result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
uint256 c = uint256(uint8(b[i]));
if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) {
result = result * 10 + (c - 48);
* Produces random integer values, uniformly distributed on the closed interval [a, b]
function uniform(
bytes32[] memory pool,
int256 a,
int256 b
) internal pure returns (int256) {
require(a <= b, "Random.uniform: invalid interval");
return int256(next(pool) % uint256(b - a + 1)) + a;
contract TinyBoxes is ERC721 {
//using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 public constant TOKEN_LIMIT = 1024;
uint256 public constant ARTIST_PRINTS = 0;
int256 public constant ANIMATION_COUNT = 1;
address public creator;
string header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">\n<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 2600 2600" style="stroke-width:0; background-color:#121212;">\n\n<symbol id="upperleftquad4">\n<symbol id="upperleftquad3">\n<symbol id="upperleftquad2">\n<symbol id="upperleftquad">\n\n';
address payable artmuseum = 0x027Fb48bC4e3999DCF88690aEbEBCC3D1748A0Eb; //lolz
struct TinyBox {
uint256 seed;
uint256 animation;
uint256 shapes;
uint256 colors;
uint256 hatching;
uint256 scale;
uint256[2] widthRange;
uint256[2] heightRange;
uint256[2] segments;
uint256[2] spacing;
int256[3] mirrorPositions;
bool[3] mirrors;
mapping(uint256 => TinyBox) internal boxes;
* @dev Contract constructor.
constructor() public ERC721("TinyBoxes", "[#][#]") {
creator = msg.sender;
* @dev generate a color
* @param pool randomn numbers
* @param _id of token to render
* @return color value
function _generateColor(bytes32[] memory pool, uint256 _id)
returns (uint256)
uint256 red = uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 0x000012, 0x0000ff));
uint256 green = uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 0x000012, 0x0000ff) * 256);
uint256 blue = uint256(
Random.uniform(pool, 0x000012, 0x0000ff) * 65536
uint256 colorscheme = uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 0, 99));
if (_id == 0) {
return 0x000000; // all black
} else if (_id > 73 && _id < 80) {
return uint256(0xffffff); // all white
} else if (colorscheme < 7) {
return blue;
} else if (colorscheme < 14) {
return green;
} else if (colorscheme < 21) {
return red;
} else if (colorscheme < 35) {
return green + blue;
} else if (colorscheme < 49) {
return red + blue;
} else if (colorscheme < 63) {
return red + green;
} else if (colorscheme < 66) {
uint256 brightness = uint256(
Random.uniform(pool, 0x000022, 0x0000ee)
); // random greys
return (brightness * 65536) + (brightness * 256) + brightness;
} else {
return blue;
* @dev generate a shape
* @param pool randomn numbers
* @param spacing for segments
* @param segments of shape positions
* @param widthRange for shapes
* @param heightRange for shapes
* @param hatch mode on
* @return positions of shape
function _generateShape(
bytes32[] memory pool,
uint256[2] memory spacing,
uint256[2] memory segments,
uint256[2] memory widthRange,
uint256[2] memory heightRange,
bool hatch
returns (int256[2] memory positions, uint256[2] memory size)
positions = [
Random.uniform(pool, -(int256(spacing[0])), int256(spacing[0])) +
((Random.uniform(pool, 0, int256(segments[0]) - 1) * 800) /
Random.uniform(pool, -(int256(spacing[1])), int256(spacing[1])) +
((Random.uniform(pool, 0, int256(segments[1]) - 1) * 800) /
if (hatch) {
uint256 horizontal = uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 0, 1));
// size[0] = uint(Random.uniform(pool, dials[4], dials[5])) + horizontal * uint(dials[6]);
// size[1] = uint(dials[6]) + uint(dials[5]) - size[0] + uint256(Random.uniform(pool, dials[7], dials[4]));
uint256 width = uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 25, 40)) +
uint256(700 * horizontal);
size = [
uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 10, 25)) + uint256(740 - width)
} else
size = [
* @dev render the footer string for mirring effects
* @param switches for each mirroring stage
* @param mirrorPositions for generator settings
* @param scale for each mirroring stage
* @return footer string
function _generateFooter(
bool[3] memory switches,
int256[3] memory mirrorPositions,
uint256 scale
) internal view returns (string memory footer) {
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(8192);
string[3] memory scales = ["-1 1", "-1 -1", "1 -1"];
string[7] memory template = [
'\n<g transform="scale(',
") translate(",
'\n<use xlink:href="#upperleftquad',
for (uint8 s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
// loop through mirroring effects
Buffer.append(buffer, template[6]);
if (!switches[s]) {
// turn off this level of mirroring
// add a scale transform
Buffer.append(buffer, template[0]);
// denote what quad the transform should be used for
Buffer.append(buffer, template[4]);
if (s > 0)
Buffer.append(buffer, Strings.toString(uint256(s + 1)));
Buffer.append(buffer, template[5]);
} else {
string memory value = Strings.toString(
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// loop through transforms
if (i == 0) Buffer.append(buffer, template[0]);
else {
Buffer.append(buffer, template[1]);
Buffer.append(buffer, scales[i - 1]);
Buffer.append(buffer, template[2]);
if (i <= 2) Buffer.append(buffer, "-");
Buffer.append(buffer, i <= 2 ? value : "0");
Buffer.append(buffer, " ");
if (i >= 2) Buffer.append(buffer, "-");
Buffer.append(buffer, i >= 2 ? value : "0");
Buffer.append(buffer, template[3]);
// denote what quad the transformsshould be used for
Buffer.append(buffer, template[4]);
if (s > 0)
Buffer.append(buffer, Strings.toString(uint256(s + 1)));
Buffer.append(buffer, template[5]);
// add final scaling
string memory scaleWhole = Strings.toString(scale.div(100));
string memory scaleDecimals = Strings.toString(scale.mod(100));
Buffer.append(buffer, template[6]);
Buffer.append(buffer, template[1]);
Buffer.append(buffer, scaleWhole);
Buffer.append(buffer, ".");
Buffer.append(buffer, scaleDecimals);
Buffer.append(buffer, " ");
Buffer.append(buffer, scaleWhole);
Buffer.append(buffer, ".");
Buffer.append(buffer, scaleDecimals);
Buffer.append(buffer, template[3]);
Buffer.append(buffer, template[4]);
Buffer.append(buffer, "4");
Buffer.append(buffer, template[5]);
Buffer.append(buffer, "\n</svg>"); // add closing svg tag
return Buffer.toString(buffer);
* @dev render a token's art
* @param _id of token
* @param box TinyBox data structure
* @param frame number to render
* @return the SVG graphiccs of the token
function perpetualRenderer(
uint256 _id,
TinyBox memory box,
uint256 frame
) public view returns (string memory) {
bytes memory buffer = new bytes(8192);
Buffer.append(buffer, header);
// initilized RNG with the seed and blocks 0 through 1
bytes32[] memory pool = Random.init(0, 1, box.seed);
// generate colors
uint256[] memory colorValues = new uint256[](box.colors);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < box.colors; i++)
colorValues[i] = _generateColor(pool, _id);
// generate shapes
for (uint256 i = 0; i < box.shapes; i++) {
uint256 colorRand = uint256(
Random.uniform(pool, 0, int256(box.shapes.sub(1)))
bool hatched = (box.hatching > 0 && i.mod(box.hatching) == 0); // hatching mod. 1 in hybrid shapes will be hatching type
int256[2] memory positions,
uint256[2] memory size
) = _generateShape(
Buffer.rect(buffer, positions, size, colorValues[colorRand]);
// generate the footer with mirroring and scale transforms
_generateFooter(box.mirrors, box.mirrorPositions, box.scale)
return Buffer.toString(buffer);
* @dev Create a new TinyBox Token
* @param _seed of token
* @param shapes of token
* @param colors of token
* @param hatching of token
* @param widthRange of token
* @param heightRange of token
* @param segments of token
* @param spacing of token
* @param mirrorPositions of token
* @param mirrors of token
* @param scale of token
function createBox(
string calldata _seed,
uint256 shapes,
uint256 colors,
uint256 hatching,
uint256[2] calldata widthRange,
uint256[2] calldata heightRange,
uint256[2] calldata segments,
uint256[2] calldata spacing,
int256[3] calldata mirrorPositions,
bool[3] calldata mirrors,
uint256 scale
) external payable {
msg.sender != address(0),
"token recipient man not be the zero address"
totalSupply() < TOKEN_LIMIT,
"ART SALE IS OVER. Tinyboxes are now only available on the secondary market."
if (totalSupply() < ARTIST_PRINTS) {
msg.sender == address(creator),
"Only the creator can mint the alpha token. Wait your turn FFS"
} else {
uint256 amount = currentPrice();
require(msg.value >= amount, "insuficient payment"); // return if they dont pay enough
if (msg.value > amount) msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - amount); // give change if they over pay
artmuseum.transfer(amount); // send the payment amount to the artmuseum account
// convert seed from string to uint
uint256 seed = Random.stringToUint(_seed);
// initilized RNG with the seed and blocks 0 through 1
bytes32[] memory pool = Random.init(0, 1, seed);
uint256 id = totalSupply();
// TODO - generate animation with RNG weighted non uniformly for varying rarity
// maybe use log base 2 of a number in a range 2 to the animation counts
boxes[id] = TinyBox({
seed: seed,
animation: uint256(Random.uniform(pool, 0, ANIMATION_COUNT - 1)),
shapes: shapes,
colors: colors,
hatching: hatching,
scale: scale,
widthRange: widthRange,
heightRange: heightRange,
segments: segments,
spacing: spacing,
mirrorPositions: mirrorPositions,
mirrors: mirrors
_safeMint(msg.sender, id);
* @dev Get the current price of a token
* @return price in wei of a token currently
function currentPrice() public view returns (uint256 price) {
price = priceAt(totalSupply());
* @dev Get the price of a specific token id
* @param _id of the token
* @return price in wei of that token
function priceAt(uint256 _id) public view returns (uint256 price) {
uint256 tokeninflation = (_id / 2) * 1000000000000000; // add .001 eth inflation per token
price = tokeninflation + 160000000000000000; // in wei, starting price .16 eth, ending price .2 eth
* @dev Lookup the seed
* @param _id for which we want the seed
* @return seed value of _id.
function tokenSeed(uint256 _id) external view returns (uint256) {
return boxes[_id].seed;
* @dev Lookup the animation
* @param _id for which we want the animation
* @return animation value of _id.
function tokenAnimation(uint256 _id) external view returns (uint256) {
return boxes[_id].animation;
* @dev Lookup all token data in one call
* @param _id for which we want token data
* @return seed of token
* @return animation of token
* @return colors of token
* @return shapes of token
* @return hatching of token
* @return widthRange of token
* @return heightRange of token
* @return segments of token
* @return spacing of token
* @return mirrorPositions of token
* @return mirrors of token
* @return scale of token
function tokenData(uint256 _id)
returns (
uint256 seed,
uint256 animation,
uint256 colors,
uint256 shapes,
uint256 hatching,
uint256[2] memory widthRange,
uint256[2] memory heightRange,
uint256[2] memory segments,
uint256[2] memory spacing,
int256[3] memory mirrorPositions,
bool[3] memory mirrors,
uint256 scale
TinyBox memory box = boxes[_id];
seed = box.seed;
animation = box.animation;
colors = box.colors;
shapes = box.shapes;
hatching = box.hatching;
widthRange = box.widthRange;
heightRange = box.heightRange;
segments = box.segments;
spacing = box.spacing;
mirrorPositions = box.mirrorPositions;
mirrors = box.mirrors;
scale = box.scale;
* @dev Generate the token SVG art of a specified frame
* @param _id for which we want art
* @param _frame for which we want art
* @return animated SVG art of token _id at _frame.
function tokenFrame(uint256 _id, uint256 _frame)
returns (string memory)
TinyBox memory box = boxes[_id];
return perpetualRenderer(_id, box, _frame);
* @dev Generate the static token SVG art
* @param _id for which we want art
* @return URI of _id.
function tokenArt(uint256 _id) external view returns (string memory) {
// render frame 0 of the token animation
return tokenFrame(_id, 0);
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