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Last active January 18, 2021 15:55
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Proofs surrounding the list reverse function
import Data.Nat
import Prelude
%hide reverse
reverse : List a -> List a
reverse [] = []
reverse (x :: xs) = reverse xs ++ [x]
testRev1 : reverse (reverse [1, 2, 3]) = [1, 2, 3]
testRev1 = Refl
testRev2 : reverse (reverse ['a', 'b', 'c']) = ['a', 'b', 'c']
testRev2 = Refl
testRev3 : reverse (reverse [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
testRev3 = Refl
nilIdentity : (xs : List a) -> xs ++ [] = xs
nilIdentity [] = Refl
nilIdentity (x :: xs) = rewrite nilIdentity xs in Refl
||| `reverse` is distrubutive over `++`
reverseDistributive : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List a) -> reverse (xs ++ ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs
reverseDistributive xs [] = rewrite nilIdentity xs in Refl
reverseDistributive xs (y :: ys) = rewrite reverseDistributive xs (y ::ys) in Refl
||| The `reverse` function is its own inverse
reverseInvolutive : (xs : List a) -> reverse (reverse xs) = xs
reverseInvolutive [] = Refl
reverseInvolutive (x :: xs) =
let p = reverseDistributive (reverse xs) [x]
iH = reverseInvolutive xs in
rewrite p in rewrite iH in Refl
applyRev : Nat -> List a -> List a
applyRev 0 xs = xs
applyRev (S k) xs = applyRev k (reverse xs)
applyRevEven' : {n : Nat} -> (xs : List a) -> applyRev (n + n) xs = xs
applyRevEven' {n=Z} xs = Refl
applyRevEven' {n=(S k)} xs =
let s = plusSuccRightSucc k k
base = reverseInvolutive xs
iH = applyRevEven' xs
in rewrite sym s
in rewrite base in iH
applyRevOdd' : {n : Nat} -> (xs : List a) -> applyRev (S (n + n)) xs = reverse xs
applyRevOdd' {n =Z} xs = Refl
applyRevOdd' {n=(S k)} xs =
let s = plusSuccRightSucc k k
base = reverseInvolutive xs
iH = applyRevOdd' xs
in rewrite sym s
in rewrite base in iH
Data types representing even and odd natural numbers. Using
these two constructors `MkEven` and `MkOdd` we can create all
natural numbers. Here `MkEven 0` represents the first even natural
number `0` and `MkOdd 0` represents the first odd natural number `1`.
data Even : Nat -> Type where
MkEven : (half : Nat) -> (k = half + half) -> Even k
data Odd : Nat -> Type where
MkOdd : (half : Nat) -> (k = S (half + half)) -> Odd k
||| Applying `reverse` an even amount of times to a list `xs` is equal to `xs`
applyRevEven : Even n -> (xs : List a) -> applyRev n xs = xs
applyRevEven (MkEven half p) xs =
let s = applyRevEven' xs in rewrite p in s
||| Applying `reverse` an odd amount of times to a list `xs` is equal to `reverse xs`
applyRevOdd : Odd n -> (xs : List a) -> applyRev n xs = reverse xs
applyRevOdd (MkOdd half p) xs =
let s = applyRevOdd' xs in rewrite p in s
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