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Created March 30, 2014 10:02
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function sw_human_time_diff() {
global $post;
$date = get_post_time('G', true, $post);
$langs = array('giây', 'phút', 'giờ', 'ngày', 'tuần', 'tháng', 'năm');
$chunks = array(
array( 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , __( $langs[6], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[6], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 , __( $langs[5], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[5], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, __( $langs[4], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[4], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 60 * 60 * 24 , __( $langs[3], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[3], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 60 * 60 , __( $langs[2], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[2], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 60 , __( $langs[1], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[1], 'swhtd' ) ),
array( 1, __( $langs[0], 'swhtd' ), __( $langs[0], 'swhtd' ) )
if ( !is_numeric( $date ) ) {
$time_chunks = explode( ':', str_replace( ' ', ':', $date ) );
$date_chunks = explode( '-', str_replace( ' ', '-', $date ) );
$date = gmmktime( (int)$time_chunks[1], (int)$time_chunks[2], (int)$time_chunks[3], (int)$date_chunks[1], (int)$date_chunks[2], (int)$date_chunks[0] );
$current_time = current_time( 'mysql', $gmt );
$newer_date = ( !$newer_date ) ? strtotime( $current_time ) : $newer_date;
$since = $newer_date - $date;
if ( 0 > $since )
return __( 'Gần đây', 'swhtd' );
for ( $i = 0, $j = count($chunks); $i < $j; $i++) {
$seconds = $chunks[$i][0];
if ( ( $count = floor($since / $seconds) ) != 0 )
$output = ( 1 == $count ) ? '1 '. $chunks[$i][1] : $count . ' ' . $chunks[$i][2];
if ( !(int)trim($output) ){
$output = '0 ' . __( $langs[0], 'swhtd' );
$output .= __(' trước', 'swhtd');
return $output;
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