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Created May 11, 2015 22:54
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SugarCRM 7.6+ Elasticsearch production settings
# Use max half of available memory of the system as HEAP size
# and avoid using more than 32 GB - see
# Recommended - see
bootstrap.mlockall: true
# Avoid rogue nodes joining the cluster false
# For multi node setup using unicast to define the list of nodes
# to form the cluster, see
# ["", ""]
# SugarCRM fully controls the mapping, to avoid any issues we don't
# want Elasticsearch to dynamically create mappings. Note that this
# may have unexpected results if other application than SugarCRM are
# using the Elasticsearch cluster.
index.mapper.dynamic: false
# SugarCRM fully controls the indices, we don't want Elasticsearch to
# create them for us in case data is being send to Elasticsearch before
# the indices/mappings are deployed.
action.auto_create_index : false
# Precaution disabling wildcards and _all notation for destructive operations.
action.destructive_requires_name : true
# Important when performing URL based ACL between SugarCRM and Elasticsearch.
# Doesn't harm to use this setting without such an additional layer.
rest.action.multi.allow_explicit_index: false
# Not really required when Elasticsearch is properly shielded from the outside
# world. Dynamic scripting is currently not used by SugarCRM and probably wont
# be in the near future.
script.disable_dynamic: true
# Disabled by default since 1.3.0
http.jsonp.enable: false
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