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Last active July 8, 2020 14:33
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Accessing multiple PiCams with the Arducam adapter
import cv2
from multicam import Multicam
mcam = Multicam(gpio_mode='bcm')
cv2.imshow('Cam A', mcam.capture(cam='a'))
cv2.imshow('Cam B', mcam.capture(cam='b'))
cv2.imshow('Cam C', mcam.capture(cam='c'))
cv2.imshow('Cam D', mcam.capture(cam='d'))
# cv2.imshow('Cam E', mcam.capture(cam='e'))
# cv2.imshow('Cam F', mcam.capture(cam='f'))
# Author: Tim Poulsen,
# License: MIT
# 2018-08-22
import RPi.GPIO as gpio
import time
from picamera import PiCamera
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
LOW = False
HIGH = True
class Multicam(object):
Arducam Multi-camera adapter board class
multicam = Multicam(num_boards=2)
# optionally, set the resolution
multicam.set_resolution(width=640, height=480)
image = multicam.capture(cam='a')
Returned image is a 'bgr' OpenCV object.
Default resolution is 640 x 480.
Default capture camera is board 1, camera A.
# Pin numbers - Arducam docs/samples use BOARD (physical) numbers
# You can switch to BCM numbers adding the gpio_mode arg on instantiation
channel_select_pin = 7
b1_oe_pin_1 = 11
b1_oe_pin_2 = 12
b2_oe_pin_1 = 15
b2_oe_pin_2 = 16
b3_oe_pin_1 = 21
b3_oe_pin_2 = 22
b4_oe_pin_1 = 23
b4_oe_pin_2 = 24
# camera settings:
iso = 400
def __init__(self, gpio_mode='board'):
Initialize the multi-camera board by setting gpio mode and initial state
""" = None
self.resolution = (640, 480)
self.gpio_mode = gpio_mode
if gpio_mode == 'board':
# set pin modes to output
gpio.setup(self.channel_select_pin, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b1_oe_pin_1, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b1_oe_pin_2, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b2_oe_pin_1, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b2_oe_pin_2, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b3_oe_pin_1, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b3_oe_pin_2, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b4_oe_pin_1, gpio.OUT)
gpio.setup(self.b4_oe_pin_2, gpio.OUT)
# set initial values to select board 1, camera A
gpio.output(self.channel_select_pin, LOW)
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_1, LOW)
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
def __set_bcm_mode(self):
Swaps gpio pin numbers to be BCM mode
self.channel_select_pin = 4
self.b1_oe_pin_1 = 17
self.b1_oe_pin_2 = 18
self.b2_oe_pin_1 = 22
self.b2_oe_pin_2 = 23
self.b3_oe_pin_1 = 9
self.b3_oe_pin_2 = 25
self.b4_oe_pin_1 = 11
self.b4_oe_pin_2 = 8
def __select_camera(self, cam='a'):
Select a specific camera to use, defaults to A
Uses letters on the Arducam board, continuing up
the alphabet as you stack more boards
a_channels = ['a', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'k', 'm', 'o']
b_channels = ['b', 'd', 'f', 'h', 'j', 'l', 'n', 'p']
if cam in a_channels:
gpio.output(self.channel_select_pin, LOW)
elif cam in b_channels:
gpio.output(self.channel_select_pin, HIGH)
raise 'Invalid camera assignment'
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_1, HIGH)
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_2, HIGH)
if cam == 'a' or cam == 'b':
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_1, LOW)
elif cam == 'c' or cam == 'd':
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_2, LOW)
elif cam == 'e' or cam == 'f':
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_1, LOW)
elif cam == 'g' or cam == 'h':
gpio.output(self.b2_oe_pin_2, LOW)
elif cam == 'i' or cam == 'j':
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_1, LOW)
elif cam == 'k' or cam == 'l':
gpio.output(self.b3_oe_pin_2, LOW)
elif cam == 'm' or cam == 'n':
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_1, LOW)
elif cam == 'o' or cam == 'o':
gpio.output(self.b4_oe_pin_2, LOW)
# default to selecting camera A
gpio.output(self.b1_oe_pin_1, LOW)
def set_resolution(self, width=640, height=480):
Sets the capture resolution. Must be one of the supported sizes, see
:param width: Width in whole pixels
:param height: Height in whole pixels
w = int(width)
h = int(height)
self.resolution = (w, h)
def capture(self, cam='a', image_format='bgr'):
Capture an image
:param cam: Camera from which to capture; uses letters on the Arducam board,
continuing up the alphabet as you stack more boards
:return: image
if is None:
tmp_image = PiRGBArray(, size=self.resolution), image_format)
return tmp_image.array
def cleanup(self):
if = None
# gpio.cleanup() # throws errors, so commented out
def __initialize_camera(self):
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = self.resolution
camera.iso = self.iso
# let the camera exposure settle
# now, fix the values
camera.shutter_speed = camera.exposure_speed
g = camera.awb_gains
camera.awb_mode = 'off'
camera.awb_gains = g = camera
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mrosener commented Dec 4, 2018

second board stacked! I am able to boot a 5 camera RPi system with 5V 3A power input. As soon as I add a sixth one , the boot sequence cannot complete. Any chance that the pbm you mentionned on your website ( could be related to power input?

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mrosener commented Dec 6, 2018

I think I was able to reproduce the pbm you mentioned on your website. With one multiplex board and 4 cameras, everything works fine. As soon as I add the second mutiplex board, accessing any camera of the first board will cause the RPi to crash.
I was only able to access the fifth camera I had on the second board.

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mrosener commented Dec 7, 2018

Me again...
I was able to get images from all 5 cameras, using stacked multiplex boards. The trick is to specify that you want to use the video port when you call camera.capture:, image_format, use_video_port = True) # line 161 in your code

If you don't, the capture call will default on the capture port which seems to be part of the pbm. This solution might come with a drop in image quality (is it necessary to set a lower frame rate then?). I haven't tested the max resolution yet, but will let you know if there is a pbm.

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Could you please help me schedule the recording of the captured images?

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Sorry, I just realized that GitHub doesn't send me any sort of notice when someone comments on my gists.

Thanks for the tip on the use_video_port setting. I'm no longer using this board. But I'll try to remember this if I do.

As for scheduling the recording, I'd suggest either setting up a cron job to call your script as needed. Check out the PiCamera docs for an example of taking time-lapse photos, which is maybe what you mean.

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