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Created August 14, 2012 14:45
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Santa problem showing STM
santa: santa.hs
ghc $^ -package stm -o $@
run: santa
rm santa.hi santa.o santa
-- Santa makes one “Group” for the elves and one for the reindeer. Each elf (or reindeer)
-- tries to join its Group. If it succeeds, it gets two “Gates” in return. The first Gate
-- allows Santa to control when the elf can enter the study, and also lets Santa know
-- when they are all inside. Similarly, the second Gate controls the elves leaving
-- the study. Santa, for his part, waits for either of his two Groups to be ready, and
-- then uses that Group’s Gates to marshal his helpers (elves or reindeer) through
-- their task. Thus the helpers spend their lives in an infinite loop: try to join
-- a group, move through the gates under Santa’s control, and then delay for a
-- random interval before trying to join a group again.
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
-- The main program
main = do elf_grp <- newGroup 3
sequence_ [elf elf_grp n | n <- [1..10] ]
rein_group <- newGroup 9
sequence_ [reindeer rein_group n | n <- [1..9] ]
forever (santa elf_grp rein_group)
--santa simple solution
santa1 :: Group -> Group -> IO ()
santa1 elf_grp rein_grp = do
putStr "------------------\n"
(task, (in_gate, out_gate)) <- atomically $ orElse
(chooseGroup rein_grp "deliver toys")
(chooseGroup elf_grp "meet in study")
putStr $ "Ho! Ho! Ho! Let's " ++ task ++ "\n"
operateGate in_gate
operateGate out_gate
chooseGroup :: Group -> String -> STM (String, (Gate, Gate))
chooseGroup grp task = awaitGroup grp >>= \gates -> return (task, gates)
-- alternative solution to form a pattern
santa elf_grp rein_grp = do
putStr "------------------\n"
choose [(awaitGroup rein_grp, run "deliver toys"),
(awaitGroup elf_grp, run "meet in study")]
run :: String -> (Gate, Gate) -> IO ()
run task (in_gate, out_gate) = do
putStr $ "Ho! Ho! Ho! Let's " ++ task ++ "\n"
operateGate in_gate
operateGate out_gate
-- choose check for first STM action, and do the corresponding function if success, otherwise,
-- it will check for the second STM action and do its function if succeed, and so on
-- if none of the actions succeed, just retry again
choose :: [(STM a, a -> IO())] -> IO ()
choose choices = do
act <- atomically $ foldr1 orElse actions
actions :: [STM (IO())]
actions = [ do { val <- guard; return (rhs val); } | (guard, rhs) <- choices]
-- helper functions
helper1 :: Group -> IO () -> IO ()
helper1 group do_task = do
(in_gate, out_gate) <- joinGroup group
passGate in_gate
passGate out_gate
-- elf
elf1 :: Group -> Int -> IO ()
elf1 gp elfId = helper1 gp (meetInStudy elfId)
elf gp elfId = forkIO (forever $ do {elf1 gp elfId;randomDelay;})
meetInStudy :: Int -> IO ()
meetInStudy elfId = putStr ("Elf " ++ show elfId ++ " meet in study")
-- reindeer
reindeer1 :: Group -> Int -> IO ()
reindeer1 gp reId = helper1 gp (deliverToys reId)
reindeer gp reId = forkIO (forever $ do {reindeer1 gp reId;randomDelay;})
deliverToys :: Int -> IO ()
deliverToys reId = putStr ("Reindeer " ++ show reId ++ " delivering toys")
-- random delay to suspend the thread
randomDelay :: IO ()
randomDelay = getStdRandom (randomR (1, 1000000)) >>= \t -> threadDelay t
-- A gate has capacity and a mutable capacity state
data Gate = MakeGate Int (TVar Int)
newGate :: Int -> STM Gate
newGate n = newTVar 0 >>= \tv -> return (MakeGate n tv)
passGate :: Gate -> IO ()
passGate (MakeGate n tv) = atomically $ do
n_left <- readTVar tv
check (n_left > 0)
writeTVar tv (n_left - 1)
operateGate :: Gate -> IO ()
operateGate (MakeGate n tv) = do
atomically $ writeTVar tv n
atomically $ do
n_left <- readTVar tv
check (n_left == 0)
-- A group has a capacity and a mutable state about remaining capacity, gates
data Group = MakeGroup Int (TVar (Int, Gate, Gate))
newGroup :: Int -> IO Group
newGroup n = atomically $ do
g1 <- newGate n
g2 <- newGate n
tv <- newTVar (n, g1, g2)
return (MakeGroup n tv)
joinGroup :: Group -> IO (Gate, Gate)
joinGroup (MakeGroup n tv) = atomically $ do
(n_left, g1, g2) <- readTVar tv
check (n_left > 0)
writeTVar tv (n_left - 1, g1, g2)
return (g1, g2)
-- Wait for a group until no free slots available and create new gates
awaitGroup :: Group -> STM (Gate, Gate)
awaitGroup (MakeGroup n tv) = do
(n_left, g1, g2) <- readTVar tv
check (n_left == 0)
new_g1 <- newGate n
new_g2 <- newGate n
writeTVar tv (n, new_g1, new_g2)
return (new_g1, new_g2)
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To run the program, execute: ghc santa.hs -package stm -o santa, and pass in appropriate RTSparameters.

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This example is elaborated in beautiful concurrency

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