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Forked from oblique63/.bash_aliases
Last active October 4, 2021 16:48
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Bash Aliases for Ubuntu
#----{ Aliases for Ubuntu: }--------------------------------------------------
# Admin
alias update="sudo apt update ; sudo apt -ZWry safe-upgrade && sudo apt -ZWry --purge-unused clean"
alias sources="sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"
alias install="sudo apt -ZWry install"
alias uninstall="sudo apt -ZWry remove"
alias pkgsearch="apt search"
alias installed="dpkg --get-selections | grep"
alias add-repo="sudo add-apt-repository"
alias app="apropos"
alias wtf="ps axo user,comm,pcpu,pmem,pid,cmd --sort=pcpu --width=130 | egrep '`whoami`|USER' && top"
alias lsp="ls -ABgoh"
alias df="df -h"
alias rm="rm -i"
alias free="free -m"
alias untar="tar xvzf"
alias where="which"
# Navigation
alias up="cd .."
alias desk="cd ~/Desktop"
alias back="cd -"
# Programming
alias py="python"
alias mkex="chmod +x"
# Git
alias ssh-key="cat ~/.ssh/"
alias ginit="git init"
alias gpull="git pull"
alias gpush="git push"
alias gclone="git clone"
alias gstat="git status"
alias glog="git log"
alias gmv="git mv"
alias grm="git rm --cached"
alias gbranch="git branch"
alias gmerge="git merge"
alias gcheck="git checkout"
alias g+="git add"
alias g-="git rm --cached"
alias gcom="git commit -m"
# Nonsense
alias fuck="killall"
alias bitch="sudo"
alias moar="more"
alias moo="apt-get moo"
# This
alias aliases="cat ~/.bash_aliases"
alias edit-aliases="nano ~/.bash_aliases ; source ~/.bash_aliases"
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