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Last active November 29, 2021 18:44
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" root markers used to locate project
if !exists('g:projectile#marker')
let g:projectile#marker = '.svn,.git,.projectile'
" returns nearest parent directory contains one of the markers
function! projectile#find_root(name)
let name = fnamemodify((a:name != '')? a:name : bufname(), ':p')
let finding = ''
" iterate all markers
for marker in split(g:projectile#marker, ',')
if marker != ''
" search as a file
let x = findfile(marker, name . '/;')
let x = (x == '')? '' : fnamemodify(x, ':p:h')
" search as a directory
let y = finddir(marker, name . '/;')
let y = (y == '')? '' : fnamemodify(y, ':p:h:h')
" which one is the nearest directory ?
let z = (strchars(x) > strchars(y))? x : y
" keep the nearest one in finding
let finding = (strchars(z) > strchars(finding))? z : finding
return (finding == '')? '' : fnamemodify(finding, ':p')
" returns nearest parent directory contains one of the markers
" if matching failed, returns the directory containing the file
function! projectile#find_home(name)
let name = fnamemodify((a:name != '')? a:name : bufname(), ':p')
let path = projectile#find_root(name)
if path != ''
return path
return isdirectory(name)? name : fnamemodify(name, ':h')
" project-wide grep
function! projectile#grep(what)
let home = projectile#find_home('')
if home != ''
exec "vimgrep /" . a:what . "/g " . fnameescape(home) . '**/*'
" goto project
function! projectile#go_home()
let home = projectile#find_home('')
if home != ''
exec "e " . fnameescape(home)
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