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argtextobj.vim #vim #textobj
" argtextobj.vim - Text-Object like motion for arguments
" Author: Takahiro SUZUKI <>
" Version: 1.1.1 (Vim 7.1, 2009), forked and patched by inkarkat (2010-2014)
" Licence: MIT Licence
" Document: {{{1
" Description:
" This plugin installes a text-object like motion 'a' (argument). You can
" d(elete), c(hange), v(select)... an argument or inner argument in familiar
" ways, such as 'daa'(delete-an-argument), 'cia'(change-inner-argument)
" or 'via'(select-inner-argument).
" What this script do is more than just typing
" F,dt,
" because it recognizes inclusion relationship of parentheses.
" There is an option to descide whether the motion should go out to toplevel
" function or not in nested function application.
" Installation:
" Place this file in /usr/share/vim/vim*/plugin or ~/.vim/plugin/
" Now text-object like argument motion 'ia' and 'aa' is enabled by default.
" Options:
" Write below in your .vimrc if you want to apply motions to the toplevel
" function.
" let g:argumentobject_force_toplevel = 1
" By default, this options is set to 0, which means your operation affects
" to the most inner level
" Examples:
" case 1: delete an argument
" function(int arg1, char* arg2="a,b,c(d,e)")
" [N] daa
" function(int arg1)
" [N] daa
" function()
" [N]
" case 2: delete inner argument
" function(int arg1, char* arg2="a,b,c(d,e)")
" [N] cia
" function(int arg1, )
" [I]
" case 3: smart argument recognition (g:argumentobject_force_toplevel = 0)
" function(1, (20*30)+40, somefunc2(3, 4))
" [N] cia
" function(1, , somefunc2(3, 4))
" [I]
" function(1, (20*30)+40, somefunc2(3, 4))
" [N] caa
" function(1, (20*30)+40, somefunc2(4))
" [I]
" case 4: smart argument recognition (g:argumentobject_force_toplevel = 1)
" function(1, (20*30)+40, somefunc2(3, 4))
" [N] cia
" function(1, , somefunc2(3, 4))
" [I]
" function(1, (20*30)+40, somefunc2(3, 4))
" [N] caa
" function(1, (20*30)+40)
" [I]
" ToDo:
" - do nothing on null parentheses '()'
" ChangeLog:
" 1.1.1:
" - debug (stop beeping on using text objects). Thanks to Nadav Samet.
" 1.1.unreleased:
" - support for commas in <..> (for cpp templates)
" 1.1:
" - support for commas in quoted string (".."), array ([..])
" do nothing outside a function declaration/call
" 1.0:
" - Initial release
" }}}1
" ChangeLog in
" 2014-06-02 o [master] ENH: Support repeat of operator-pending text objects.
" 2014-05-07 M─┐ Merge pull request #2 from UnrealQuester/master
" 2014-05-03 │ o Fixing empty function arguments bug
" 2014-05-03 │ o Fixed bug with trailing whitespace
" 2014-05-03 │ o Removed debug
" 2014-05-03 │ o Return to old position when no matching parenthesis is found
" 2014-05-02 │ o Trying to fix empty argument list bug
" 2014-05-02 │ o Removed now unused option argument_mapping
" 2014-04-30 o─┘ Fixed bug in multiline arguments
" 2014-04-30 o Removed debug
" 2014-04-30 M─┐ Merge pull request #1 from inkarkat/master
" 2014-04-29 │ o Use proper syntax for help tag definitions.
" 2014-04-29 │ o Use canonical <Plug>(argtextobj...) mappings to allow remapping.
" 2014-04-29 o─┘ Added docs
" 2014-03-26 o Put most of the stuff in autoload
" 2014-03-26 o Made mapping configurable
" 2014-03-25 o Added include guard again
" 2012-01-20 o FIX: Don't define text objects for select mode.
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Support whitespace other than <Space> (i.e. <Tab>).
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Support arguments spread over multiple lines.
" 2011-11-15 o FIX: Prevent yank message when args are distributed over multi-lines.
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Beep when no or too few arguments found.
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Support [count] to select multiple arguments.
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Avoid clobbering the regtype, selection and clipboard registers.
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Avoid modification of buffer in s:GetOutOfDoubleQuote().
" 2011-11-15 o ENH: Handle selection=exclusive.
" 2011-11-15 o FIX: Use :normal! everywhere to avoid interference with custom mappings.
" 2009-12-30 o <1.1.1> Version 1.1.1: debug (stop beeping)
" 2009-07-04 o <1.1> Version 1.1
" 2009-07-04 I <1.0> Version 1.0: Initial upload
" if exists('loaded_argtextobj') || &cp || version < 700
" finish
" endif
" let loaded_argtextobj = 1
function! s:GetOutOfDoubleQuote()
" get out of double quoteed string (one letter before the beginning)
let line = getline('.')
let pos_save = getpos('.')
let mark_b = getpos("'<")
let mark_e = getpos("'>")
let repl='_'
let did_modify = 0
if getline('.')[getpos('.')[2]-1]=='_'
let repl='?'
while 1
exe 'silent! normal! ^va"'
normal! :\<ESC>\<CR>
if getpos("'<")==getpos("'>")
exe 'normal! gvr' . repl
let did_modify = 1
call setpos('.', pos_save)
if getline('.')[getpos('.')[2]-1]==repl
" in double quote
if did_modify
silent undo
call setpos('.', pos_save)
if getpos('.')==getpos("'<")
normal! h
normal! F"
elseif did_modify
silent undo
call setpos('.', pos_save)
function! s:GetOuterFunctionParenthesis()
let pos_save = getpos('.')
let rightup_before = pos_save
silent! normal! [(
let rightup_p = getpos('.')
if rightup_p == rightup_before
return []
while rightup_p != rightup_before
if ! g:argumentobject_force_toplevel && getline('.')[getpos('.')[2]-1-1] =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9_]'
" found a function
let rightup_before = rightup_p
silent! normal! [(
let rightup_p = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', pos_save)
return rightup_p
function! s:GetPair(pos)
let pos_save = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', a:pos)
normal! %
if a:pos == getpos('.')
call setpos('.', pos_save)
return []
normal! h
let pair_pos = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', pos_save)
return pair_pos
function! s:GetInnerText(r1, r2)
let pos_save = getpos('.')
let cb_save = &clipboard
set clipboard= " Avoid clobbering the selection and clipboard registers.
let reg_save = @@
let regtype_save = getregtype('"')
call setpos('.', a:r1)
normal! lv
call setpos('.', a:r2)
if &selection ==# 'exclusive'
normal! l
silent normal! y
let val = @@
call setpos('.', pos_save)
call setreg('"', reg_save, regtype_save)
let &clipboard = cb_save
return val
function! s:GetPrevCommaOrBeginArgs(arglist, offset)
let commapos = strridx(a:arglist, ',', a:offset)
return max([commapos+1, 0])
function! s:GetNextCommaOrEndArgs(arglist, offset, count)
let commapos = a:offset - 1
let c = a:count
while c > 0
let commapos = stridx(a:arglist, ',', commapos + 1)
if commapos == -1
if c > 1
execute "normal! \<C-\>\<C-n>\<Esc>" | " Beep.
return strlen(a:arglist)-1
let c -= 1
return commapos-1
function! s:MoveToNextNonSpace()
let oldp = getpos('.')
let moved = 0
while getline('.')[getpos('.')[2]-1]=~'\s'
normal! l
if oldp == getpos('.')
let oldp = getpos('.')
let moved += 1
return moved
function! s:MoveLeft(num)
if a:num>0
exe 'normal! ' . a:num . 'h'
function! s:MoveRight(num)
if a:num>0
exe 'normal! ' . a:num . 'l'
function! s:MotionArgument(inner, visual)
let cnt = v:count1
let operator = v:operator
let current_c = getline('.')[getpos('.')[2]-1]
if current_c==',' || current_c=='('
normal! l
" get out of "double quoted string" because [( does not take effect in it
call <SID>GetOutOfDoubleQuote()
let rightup = <SID>GetOuterFunctionParenthesis() " on (
if empty(rightup)
" no left parenthesis found, not inside function arguments
execute "normal! \<C-\>\<C-n>\<Esc>" | " Beep.
let rightup_pair = <SID>GetPair(rightup) " before )
if empty(rightup_pair)
" no matching right parenthesis found, search for incomplete function
" definition until end of current line.
let rightup_pair = [0, line('.'), col('$'), 0]
" empty function argument
elseif rightup_pair == rightup
" select both parenthesis
if !a:inner
normal! vh
elseif !a:visual
if current_c == '('
" insert single space and visually select it
silent! execute "normal! i \<Esc>v"
return s:Repeat(cnt, a:inner, a:visual, operator)
let arglist_str = <SID>GetInnerText(rightup, rightup_pair) " inside ()
if line('.')==rightup[1]
" left parenthesis in the current line
" cursor offset from rightup
let offset = getpos('.')[2] - rightup[2] - 1 " -1 for the removed parenthesis
" left parenthesis in a previous line; retrieve the (partial when there's a
" matching right parenthesis) current line from the arglist_str.
for line in split(arglist_str, "\n")
if stridx(getline('.'), line) == 0
let arglist_str = line
let offset = getpos('.')[2] - 1
" replace all parentheses and commas inside them to '_'
let arglist_sub = arglist_str
let arglist_sub = substitute(arglist_sub, "'".'\([^'."'".']\{-}\)'."'", '\="(".substitute(submatch(1), ".", "_", "g").")"', 'g') " replace '..' => (__)
let arglist_sub = substitute(arglist_sub, '\[\([^'."'".']\{-}\)\]', '\="(".substitute(submatch(1), ".", "_", "g").")"', 'g') " replace [..] => (__)
let arglist_sub = substitute(arglist_sub, '<\([^'."'".']\{-}\)>', '\="(".substitute(submatch(1), ".", "_", "g").")"', 'g') " replace <..> => (__)
let arglist_sub = substitute(arglist_sub, '"\([^'."'".']\{-}\)"', '(\1)', 'g') " replace ''..'' => (..)
while stridx(arglist_sub, '(')>=0 && stridx(arglist_sub, ')')>=0
let arglist_sub = substitute(arglist_sub , '(\([^()]\{-}\))', '\="<".substitute(submatch(1), ",", "_", "g").">"', 'g')
" the beginning/end of this argument
let thisargbegin = <SID>GetPrevCommaOrBeginArgs(arglist_sub, offset)
let thisargend = <SID>GetNextCommaOrEndArgs(arglist_sub, offset, cnt)
" function(..., the_nth_arg, ...)
" [^left] [^right]
let left = offset - thisargbegin
let right = thisargend - thisargbegin
let delete_trailing_space = 0
" only do inner matching when argument list is not empty
if a:inner && arglist_sub !~# "^\s\+$"
" ia
call <SID>MoveLeft(left)
let right -= <SID>MoveToNextNonSpace()
" aa
if thisargbegin==0 && thisargend==strlen(arglist_sub)-1
" only single argument
call <SID>MoveLeft(left)
elseif thisargbegin==0
" head of the list (do not delete '(')
call <SID>MoveLeft(left)
let right += 1
let delete_trailing_space = 1
" normal or tail of the list
call <SID>MoveLeft(left+1)
let right += 1
exe 'normal! v'
call <SID>MoveRight(right)
if delete_trailing_space
exe 'normal! l'
call <SID>MoveToNextNonSpace()
exe 'normal! h'
if &selection ==# 'exclusive'
normal! l
call s:Repeat(cnt, a:inner, a:visual, operator)
function! s:Repeat(cnt, inner, visual, operator)
let l:mapping = (a:inner ? "\<Plug>(argtextobjI)" : "\<Plug>(argtextobjA)")
if !a:visual
silent! call ingo#motion#omap#repeat(l:mapping, a:operator, a:cnt)
" option. turn 1 to search the most toplevel function
let g:argumentobject_force_toplevel =
\ get(g:, 'argumentobject_force_toplevel', 0)
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>(argtextobjI) :<C-U>call <SID>MotionArgument(1, 1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>(argtextobjA) :<C-U>call <SID>MotionArgument(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent> <Plug>(argtextobjI) :<C-U>call <SID>MotionArgument(1, 0)<CR>
onoremap <silent> <Plug>(argtextobjA) :<C-U>call <SID>MotionArgument(0, 0)<CR>
if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(argtextobjI)', 'v')
xmap ia <Plug>(argtextobjI)
if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(argtextobjA)', 'v')
xmap aa <Plug>(argtextobjA)
if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(argtextobjI)', 'o')
omap ia <Plug>(argtextobjI)
if ! hasmapto('<Plug>(argtextobjA)', 'o')
omap aa <Plug>(argtextobjA)
" vim: set foldmethod=marker et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
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