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  • Save skywinder/c35ab03c66c6b200b33ea2f388a6df89 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save skywinder/c35ab03c66c6b200b33ea2f388a6df89 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[Matter Labs] Trusted Setup
time cargo run --release --bin compute_constrained
Compiling powersoftau v0.2.0 (/Users/pk/repo/powersoftau)
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2.44s
Running `target/release/compute_constrained`
Will contribute to accumulator for 2^25 powers of tau
In total will generate up to 67108863 powers
Type some random text and press [ENTER] to provide additional entropy...
Calculating previous contribution hash...
`challenge` file contains decompressed points and has a hash:
442064d3 e63b077b b82a3268 9d7cfb54
470391c7 5d03d9e8 0bb39c6d 84aa063f
e876fbc7 e07c7ea6 a09d3582 7333be41
2925944f d0f7a0dc 8280d5d4 0016aa8f
`challenge` file claims (!!! Must not be blindly trusted) that it was based on the original contribution with a hash:
5387d5b3 1a1ea910 b425d2bf 19696f82
bbc194c9 391c65f6 03c9ad74 beac105f
045de577 ddfab2fe 2ec3a073 2c5a27c4
e80a06f2 e8948081 3ec5e6d6 1e4d57c2
Computing and writing your contribution, this could take a while...
Done processing 2097151 powers of tau
Done processing 4194303 powers of tau
Done processing 6291455 powers of tau
Done processing 8388607 powers of tau
Done processing 10485759 powers of tau
Done processing 12582911 powers of tau
Done processing 14680063 powers of tau
Done processing 16777215 powers of tau
Done processing 18874367 powers of tau
Done processing 20971519 powers of tau
Done processing 23068671 powers of tau
Done processing 25165823 powers of tau
Done processing 27262975 powers of tau
Done processing 29360127 powers of tau
Done processing 31457279 powers of tau
Done processing 33554431 powers of tau
Done processing 35651583 powers of tau
Done processing 37748735 powers of tau
Done processing 39845887 powers of tau
Done processing 41943039 powers of tau
Done processing 44040191 powers of tau
Done processing 46137343 powers of tau
Done processing 48234495 powers of tau
Done processing 50331647 powers of tau
Done processing 52428799 powers of tau
Done processing 54525951 powers of tau
Done processing 56623103 powers of tau
Done processing 58720255 powers of tau
Done processing 60817407 powers of tau
Done processing 62914559 powers of tau
Done processing 65011711 powers of tau
Done processing 67108862 powers of tau
Finihsing writing your contribution to `./response`...
Your contribution has been written to `./response`
The BLAKE2b hash of `./response` is:
aa4ad1e6 c73f50cc 7636f4f3 ddbe9707
f11138f0 a5f6c062 8408c2ca a6bd9dd0
c657478a 9a66eecf b4cc929a 8321fc6a
cf4d076f 21ac861a 18a0aad6 3cec79c0
Thank you for your participation, much appreciated! :)
cargo run --release --bin compute_constrained 52692.45s user 192.14s system 772% cpu 1:54:04.29 total
> cargo run --release --bin verify_transform_constrained
Will verify and decompress a contribution to accumulator for 2^25 powers of tau
Calculating previous challenge hash...
Hash of the `challenge` file for verification:
313aaf80 275837cf 025aa088 f4d715f8
e298df79 06f0722a 81cd0979 44d7008c
c8aaa549 43e721c7 2029b264 748db453
9a7066c9 2c08b513 a4a988c7 ba231401
`response` was based on the hash:
313aaf80 275837cf 025aa088 f4d715f8
e298df79 06f0722a 81cd0979 44d7008c
c8aaa549 43e721c7 2029b264 748db453
9a7066c9 2c08b513 a4a988c7 ba231401
Hash of the `response` file for verification:
5387d5b3 1a1ea910 b425d2bf 19696f82
bbc194c9 391c65f6 03c9ad74 beac105f
045de577 ddfab2fe 2ec3a073 2c5a27c4
e80a06f2 e8948081 3ec5e6d6 1e4d57c2
Verification succeeded! Writing to `./new_challenge`...
Here's the BLAKE2b hash of the decompressed participant's response as `new_challenge` file:
442064d3 e63b077b b82a3268 9d7cfb54
470391c7 5d03d9e8 0bb39c6d 84aa063f
e876fbc7 e07c7ea6 a09d3582 7333be41
2925944f d0f7a0dc 8280d5d4 0016aa8f
Done! `./new_challenge` contains the new challenge file. The other files
were left alone.
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