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sl-will / gist:ef51ed3243fd073085ce
Last active July 14, 2017 19:27
SL API - REST - Upgrade a VSI
Virtual_Guest has a built in for item prices using getUpgradeItemPrices. This is a shortcut for iterating through the packages by hand and will only return valid upgrade items for the VSI. See for more information on working with orders and products and for general REST usage.
curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json' https://$APIUSER:$;currentPriceFlag;hourlyRecurringFee;id;recurringFee
For RAM, these have the categoryCode of "ram" and item.keyName and item.description describe the amount. 2GB, for example, would be item 1645:
"categories": [
"categoryCode": "ram"
sl-will / gist:8416e99f568846959a12
Created March 5, 2015 00:04
SL API - Perl - Add advanced monitoring alarm subscriber Monitoring_Agent::setActiveAlarmSubscriber
# Pulling credentials from ENV, or set as hard values
$apiUser = $ENV{APIUSER};
$apiKey = $ENV{APIKEY};
# Use the path to the SoftLayer API and include it
use SoftLayer::API::SOAP;
sl-will / gist:5cec9332bf4f2a6854f7
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
SL API - Ruby - Create NS Record
# Create an NS record using an existing ID for Dns_Domain
require 'softlayer_api'
username = 'your-username'
api_key = 'yourlongapikey'
dns_domain ='SoftLayer_Dns_Domain', :username => username, :api_key => api_key)
sl-will / gist:fbe6fb1af43dee92aaf8
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
SL API - Python - Associate a VLAN to a Vyatta Gateway
# Note: tab = 2 spaces
import SoftLayer
from pprint import pprint as pp
# Set apikey and apiuser per your API credentials
apiuser='Your API User'
apikey='Your API Key'
# Initiate the client and authenticate
sl-will / gist:c099b21a1127027c9791
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
SL API - Ruby - Append a firewall rule
# This code will append a firewall to the end of the rules chain for a standard (per server) firewall.
username = 'your username'
apikey = 'your apikey'
# The firewall of the ID, can be found with an object mask of on SoftLayer_Hardware or SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest data type
# For example, SoftLayer_Account::getVirtualGuests with a mask of id and firewallServiceComponent for a full list
firewall_id = 123456
sl-will / gist:6868575de6dc7263968f
Created May 17, 2014 23:29
SL API - REST - Basics used in product orders
# The below commands will get the basic information used in ordering products
# All calls are assumed with an env variable of $APIUSER and $APIKEY for the API username and key
# The following examples can be piped to Python for better formatting, for example:
# curl | python -m json.tool | less
# Related gist for integrating with scripting
# Get a list of all datacenter locations, optionally with the region adding "" to the object mask
# Returns array [ {"id":int, "longName":string} ]
sl-will / gist:e3274c68e0e9f5eafcd1
Created May 17, 2014 21:40
SL API - REST/Bash - Basic bash script for RESTful calls
# This script provides a basic command line shortcut for testing API calls using the SoftLayer RESTful API
# Note that using object masks uses semicolons which either must be escaped or the whole call wrapped in quotes
# Can pipe out to Python for better JSON formatting using: | python -m json.tool
# Requires curl. Usage (with "api" as script name):
# ./api SoftLayer_Class_Name/123456/editObject.json -X POST -d '{json object}'
# ./api "SoftLayer_Class_Name/getObjects.json?objectMask=myMask.description;;id"
# Fill these two variables in
sl-will / gist:11275434
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
SL API - Ruby - SoftLayer_Monitoring_Agent::getGraph
username = 'your username'
api_key = 'your api key'
virtual_guest_id = 000000
# Get the monitoring agents for virtual_guest_id
virtual_guest ='SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', :username => username, :api_key => api_key)
# For the sake of simplicity, we are just using the first entry, otherwise we would iterate through it