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Created November 16, 2018 20:54
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  • Save sl5net/ba5aef19f44fe68204ccb6c96e7c96e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
o := "someThing else greetings. Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases."
contend := "anotherThing for oma"
n := getAutoKeywords(o ,contend )
ToolTip,% n " =n" ,690 ,1
;/¯¯¯¯ getAutoKeywords ¯¯ 181106121229 ¯¯ 06.11.2018 12:12:29 ¯¯\
getAutoKeywords(ByRef oldKeywords, ByRef words){
; AddWord rootDoObj.createKeys
newKeyWords := oldKeywords " " words
firstWord := "" ; backup if founds nothing
addKeysMAX := 4
minLength := 4
camelCaseOr := "([^A-Z]?)([A-Z][a-z]+)"
normalOr := "()([\W_-][a-z]+)"
regEx := "(?:(" camelCaseOr "|" normalOr "))"
; Clipboard := regEx ; (?:(([^A-Z]?)([A-Z][a-z]+)|()([\W_-][a-z]+)))
StartingPosition := 2
addedKeysCounter := 0
Array := [] ; or Array := Array()
while(foundPos := RegexMatch( " " newKeyWords, "O)" regEx, Match, StartingPosition - 1 )){
StartingPosition := Match.Pos(1) + Match.Len(1)
if(addedKeysCounter >= addKeysMAX)
preCar1 := Match.Value(2)
preCar2 := Match.Value(3)
;if(preCar1=="|" || preCar2=="|")
; break
keyTemp := Match.Value(4)
else if(Match.Value(3))
keyTemp := Match.Value(3)
else if(Match.Value(2))
keyTemp := Match.Value(2)
s:= ""
s .= A_Index ":" Match.Value(A_Index) "#"
; MsgBox,% s "(" A_ThisFunc ":" A_LineNumber " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile, ".*\\") ")"
trim_keyTemp := trim(keyTemp," `t`r`n")
MsgBox,% ">" trim_keyTemp "< (" A_ThisFunc ":" A_LineNumber " " RegExReplace(A_LineFile, ".*\\") ")"
firstWord := trim_keyTemp
if(minLength <= strlen(trim_keyTemp))
Array.Push(trim_keyTemp) ; Append this line to the array.
; MsgBox,% keyTemp
newKeyWords := ""
Loop % ArrayCount
; element := Array%A_Index%
element := Array[A_Index]
; MsgBox % "Element number " . A_Index . " is " . Array%A_Index%
newKeyWords .= element " "
if(!newKeyWords := rTrim(newKeyWords))
if(!newKeyWords := firstWord)
newKeyWords := "without keywords"
; MsgBox % "Element number " . A_Index . " is " . Array%A_Index%
if(0 && InStr(A_ComputerName,"SL5"))
; feedbackMsgBox(RegExReplace(A_LineFile,".*\\") ">" . A_LineNumber, "newKeyWords=" newKeyWords )
return newKeyWords
;\____ getAutoKeywords __ 181106121233 __ 06.11.2018 12:12:33 __/
;/¯¯¯¯ HasVal ¯¯ 181116205402 ¯¯ 16.11.2018 20:54:02 ¯¯\
HasVal(haystack, needle) { ; return index
if !(IsObject(haystack)) || (haystack.Length() = 0)
return 0
for index, value in haystack
if (value = needle)
return index
return 0
;\____ HasVal __ 181116205406 __ 16.11.2018 20:54:06 __/
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