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slaise/badgo.go Secret

Last active February 5, 2024 10:55
Bad Go code example
package main
import (
// extra empty line, gofmt cannot solve
"fmt" // BadImportOrdering: "fmt" should be grouped with other standard library imports
"io/ioutil" // Deprecated api: io/ioutil has been deprecated since Go 1.19
// BadFormatting: Vars often declared in the behind const vars.
var globalData int // GlobalVariables: Using global variables can lead to unpredictable behavior and hard-to-track bugs
// BadNaming: const var should be max capped.
// BadFormatting: const vars can be groupped together.
const a = 1
const b = 2
type user struct {
id int `json: "id"` // BadSyntax: should be `json:"id"`(no extra space)
nameStr string // BadNaming: Repetitive name, can be `name`
data *userData // InappropriatePointerUse: Unnecessary use of pointers can increase complexity
LinkedUrl string // BadNaming: URL should be URL or url.
type userData struct {
description string
detailsID int
// LongFunction: Functions should be short and focused on a single task
// BadFunctionName: Function names should be descriptive and in MixedCaps.
func processdata(u *user, params ...string) { // 7. LongParameterList: Functions should avoid long parameter lists
if len(params) > 10 { // MagicNumbers: Avoid using magic numbers without explanation
fmt.Println("Too many parameters")
// NonClosedFile: Not deferring file closure can lead to resource leaks
file, err := os.Open("data.txt")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(err) // WrongLogging: Should use a logging package instead of fmt for errors
defer file.Close() // Fix for NonClosedFile
content, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file) // IgnoredError: Ignoring errors can lead to silent failures
fmt.Println("File content:", string(content))
// InefficientResourceUse: Creating a new rand.Source every time is inefficient
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
rnd := rand.New(src)
fmt.Println("Random number:", rnd.Intn(100))
// 13. UnhandledConcurrency: Launching a goroutine without handling its execution or errors
go func() {
fmt.Println("Asynchronous operation")
// Assume more complex logic...
// BadFormatting: Inconsistent spacing and indentation
if > 100 {
fmt.Println("ID is high")
} else {
fmt.Println("ID is normal")
// PoorlyDesignedStruct: userData struct is not well-designed for its intended use = &userData{description: "", detailsID: 1} // BadInitialization: description has zero value ""
dataSlice := []int{} // BadInitialization & BadNaming(Repetitive), should be `var data []int`
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
dataSlice = append(dataSlice, i)
// BadChannelUse: Incorrect use of channels can lead to deadlocks or inefficient data processing
ch := make(chan int, 10)
ch <- 1 // Sending to channel without receiving
// Channel not closed or received from
// RedundantCode: Redundant or unnecessary code that could be simplified
if u.nameStr == "" {
fmt.Println("Name is empty")
} else {
fmt.Println("Name is not empty")
// InconsistentErrorHandling: Mixing error handling styles leads to inconsistent code
if err := doSomething(1, 2, "", 3, "", 4, "", 5); err != nil {
panic(err) // Using panic instead of structured error handling
func unreachableCode() {
fmt.Println("This will never be called")
func uncalledFunc() {
// Long Function Parameter list.
func doSomething(p1 int, p2 int, p3 string, p4 int, p5 string, p6 int, p7 string, p8 int) error {
return nil
func main() {
u := &user{id: 1, nameStr: "John Doe"}
processdata(u, "param1", "param2", "param3")
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