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Last active February 19, 2020 04:23
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/ Steve Lambert February 18, 2020
/ Student Demo of Loops
// global variables
color blue = #1f5673;
color aqua = #90c3c8;
color skyblue = #90c3c8;
color lavender = #b9b8d3;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
println("set up done");
} // end setup
void draw() {
println("starting loops");
// This is a while loop
// start with i as 0
int i = 0;
// while i is less than the width of the window
while (i < width) {
println("while looping: " + i);
line(i, 20, random(width), 200);
i = i + 20;
// end of while loop
// This is a for loop
for (int b = 0; b < width; b += 20) {
println("for looping: " + b);
// create variable; when it should end; how to change var
line(b, 250, b, 450);
} // end for loop
println("end draw");
} // end draw
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