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Created July 16, 2013 16:04
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The install.pp that is used
class icinga::install {
include icinga::params
# To use apt::ppa we need to include the apt class
include apt
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
package { ['icinga',"icinga-idoutils-libdbi-${icinga::params::ido_db_server}"]:
ensure => installed,
if ( $icinga::params::gui_type =~ /^(classic|both)$/ ) {
package { 'icinga-gui': ensure => installed }
if ( $icinga::params::gui_type =~ /^(web|both)$/ ) {
package { 'icinga-web': ensure => installed }
package { ['php-soap','php-gd','php-ldap','php-mysql']: ensure => installed }
'Debian': {
apt::ppa { 'ppa:formorer/icinga': }
if $icinga::params::gui_type =~ /^(web|both)$/ {
apt::ppa { 'ppa:formorer/icinga-web': }
package { 'icinga-web':
ensure => installed,
package { ['icinga', 'icinga-idoutils']:
ensure => installed,
default: {
fail("Only support Red Hat and Debian type systems, not ${::osfamily}")
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