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Forked from rmflight/
Created March 1, 2016 14:46
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compiling @hadley books

In the shell:

git clone
gem install jekyll mime-types

In R:

install.packages(c("rcpp", "rjsonio", "knitr", "ggplot2", "png", "lubridate", "yaml", "microbenchmark", "dplyr", "plyr", "stringr", "memoise", "inline", "fastmatch"))
devtools::install_github(c("hadley/pryr", "hadley/lineprof", "yihui/knitr", "rstudio/rmarkdown", "hadley/bookdown"))

Now back in the shell:

cd adv-r
jekyll build

This should have created a directory _site. You can now create an ebook using Calibre by adding the _site/index.html file (calibre should automatically follow all the links to the other pages in the directory) and converting it to Epub.

In the shell:

git clone
gem install jekyll mime-types

In R:

devtools::install_github(c("hadley/bookdown", "rstudio/rmarkdown", "hadley/bookdown", "ropensci/testdat"))
install.packages(c("rjsonio", "knitr", "png", "testthat", "nycflights13", "stringi", "lubridate", "pryr", "microbenchmark", "roxygen2"))

Now back in the shell:

cd r-pkgs
jekyll build

This should have created a directory _site. You can now create an ebook using Calibre by adding the _site/index.html file (calibre should automatically follow all the links to the other pages in the directory) and converting it to Epub.

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