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Created April 30, 2023 18:27
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My personal Void Linux installation

🌱 Installation

  • Network

    Before we begin, you must have the NetworkManager package installed on your system:

    # xbps-install -u xbps
    # xbps-install -S NetworkManager

    First disable any other network management services, such as dhcpcd, wpa_supplicant, or wicd. These services all control network interface configuration, and will interfere with NetworkManager:

    # rm /var/service/dhcpcd
    # rm /var/service/wpa_supplicant

    Then ensure that the dbus service is enabled and running & finally, enable the NetworkManager service:

    # ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service/
    # ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service/


  • Nonfree Repository

    Void has a nonfree repository for packages that don't have free licenses. It can be enabled by installing the void-repo-nonfree package.

    # xbps-install -S void-repo-nonfree


  • Packages

    Before installing packages, do a full system upgrade:

    # xbps-install -Su

    Required packages:

    linux-firmware linux-headers intel-ucode
    vim nano opendoas base-devel terminus-font git wget dejavu-fonts-ttf
    traceroute net-tools openresolv wireless_tools bind-utils ntp xclip
    dialog pulseaudio alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils gvfs
    bluez xdg-utils xdg-user-dirs xdg-user-dirs-gtk libinput grub
    efibootmgr dosfstools mtools ntfs-3g os-prober bash-completion


🎼 Configure the System

  • GRUB

    For enabling os-prober to detect other operating systems, Add or uncomment line below to /etc/default/grub file:


    Then regenerate grub.cfg:

    # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg


  • System Tweaks

    • Change console font in /etc/rc.conf :


      Fonts are stored in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/

    • Change Shell

      # su
      # chsh -s /bin/bash 
    • Creating Default Directories

      # makewhatis -a
      # xdg-user-dirs-update
    • Localization

      Uncomment relevant lines in /etc/default/libc-locales:

      en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
      en_US ISO-XXXX-X
      fa_IR UTF-8

      Force-reconfigure the glibc-locales package:

      # xbps-reconfigure glibc-locales --force
    • Time Zone

      # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/<Region>/<City> /etc/localtime

      In my case: # ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tehran /etc/localtime

      # hwclock --systohc

      To maintain accuracy of your system's clock, Enable isc-ntpd service to use NTP.


  • sudo

    Append this to your /etc/sudoers.d/wheel :

    %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/halt, /usr/bin/reboot, /usr/bin/poweroff, /usr/bin/shutdown

    Also make sure line %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL is in there. If it's not, add it there or uncomment it from the sudoers file.


  • doas

    Pasted code below in /etc/doas.conf :

    permit :wheel
    permit nopass :wheel as root cmd halt
    permit nopass :wheel as root cmd reboot
    permit nopass :wheel as root cmd poweroff
    permit nopass :wheel as root cmd shutdown

    Note: The configuration file must end with a blank line.

    The owner and group for /etc/doas.conf should both be 0, file permissions should be set to 0400:

    # chown -c root:root /etc/doas.conf
    # chmod -c 0400 /etc/doas.conf


  • Add DNS Servers

    To configure the NetworkManager to use resolvconf, paste these lines inside /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/rc-manager.conf:


    Add DNS servers in /etc/resolvconf.conf like below:


    Force resolvconf to update all its subscribers:

    # resolvconf -u


  • Disable beep sound (Unloading the pcspkr kernel module)

    To unloade the pcspkr kernel module, paste line below in /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf:

    blacklist pcspkr

    After reboot, changes will affect automatically.


  • Configure touchpad

    Paste these lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf:

    Section "InputClass"
      Identifier "devname"
      Driver "libinput"
      Option "Tapping" "on"
      Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"



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