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Last active September 2, 2022 12:51
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Commanded middleware to enrich commands during dispatch, such as calling an external API.

Commanded middleware for command enrichment


Add the EnrichCommand middleware to your command router:

defmodule MyApp.Router do
  use Commanded.Commands.Router
  middleware Middleware.EnrichCommand

Implement the CommandEnrichment protocol for any command which needs external data, such as an external API or read model query.

defimpl CommandEnrichment, for: ExampleCommand do
  @doc """
  Enrich command during dispatch, but before aggregate handling.
  def enrich(%ExampleCommand{} = command) do
    %ExampleCommand{id: id} = command

    command = %ExampleCommand{
      | external_data: lookup_external_data(id)

    {:ok, command}
  defp lookup_external_data(id) do
    # .. fetch data

The enrich/1 function should return {:ok, command} on success, or {:error, error} on failure.

defprotocol CommandEnrichment do
@doc """
Enrich a command with additional data during dispatch, before passing to aggregate.
As an example, this is an extension point where additional data could be retreived
from the database to enrich the command's fields.
@fallback_to_any true
def enrich(command)
defimpl CommandEnrichment, for: Any do
@doc """
By default the command is not modified.
def enrich(command), do: {:ok, command}
defmodule Middleware.EnrichCommand do
@behaviour Commanded.Middleware
alias Commanded.Middleware.Pipeline
@doc """
Enrich the command via the opt-in command enrichment protocol.
def before_dispatch(%Pipeline{command: command} = pipeline) do
case CommandEnrichment.enrich(command) do
{:ok, command} ->
%Pipeline{pipeline | command: command}
{:error, _error} = reply ->
|> Pipeline.respond(reply)
|> Pipeline.halt()
def after_dispatch(pipeline), do: pipeline
def after_failure(pipeline), do: pipeline
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