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Last active March 17, 2020 14:46
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Collection of various hacky bash functions
# quick apt commands
alias upd='sudo apt update && sudo apt list --upgradable'
alias upg='sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y'
alias ins='sudo apt install'
alias prg='sudo apt purge'
alias avail='apt policy'
# adding applications to dmenu
# first parameter: name of entry
# second parameter (for add): command to launch application
alias dm-add='sudo -v && dmenu-add'
alias dm-del='sudo -v && dmenu-del'
function dmenu-add() {
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "missing parameters"
exit 1
sudo touch ${ENTRY}
HEAD="#! /bin/bash"
echo "${HEAD}" | sudo tee -a ${ENTRY} >/dev/null
echo "$2" | sudo tee -a ${ENTRY} >/dev/null
sudo chmod +x ${ENTRY}
echo "added ${ENTRY}"
sudo cat ${ENTRY}
exec bash
function dmenu-del() {
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "missing parameters"
exit 1
sudo rm ${ENTRY}
echo "removed ${ENTRY}"
exec bash
# simple timer (enter to split)
# can include parameter to show file contents
# REQ: bc
alias splits='shplit'
function shplit() {
#if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
#case $1 in
# "parameter-name")
# cat file-name
# ;;
# *)
# echo "no splits found"
# ;;
function format_duration {
printf "%.2f" $1
function tick_time {
DUR=$(format_duration $(bc <<< $(date +${FORMAT})-$STARTTIME))
PRETTY_DUR=$(date +%T.%2N -u -d "@${DUR}")
printf "\r%s " ${PRETTY_DUR}
function finish_up {
trap finish_up exit
echo "End timing with ctrl-c."
while true; do
# shows currently playing track
# works for music programs that change their window name to track name
# parameter is the name of the program
alias now-playing='nowplay'
function nowplay() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo 'invalid parameters'
HEXID=$(wmctrl -l | grep -i $1 | awk '{print $1}')
echo "found $1 - start playing now"
function showplaying {
TRACK=$(wmctrl -l | grep ${HEXID} | grep -o "$HOSTNAME.*" | sed "s/debian //g")
printf "Now playing: %s\n" "${TRACK}"
while true; do
sleep 5
# automatically compiles TeX files and cleans up extra files
# REQ: texlive
alias tex-pdf='makepdf'
function makepdf() {
for T in *.tex; do if ! [[ -f "${T%.*}.pdf" ]]; then xelatex ${T}; fi; done
for A in *.aux; do rm ${A}; done
for L in *.log; do rm ${L}; done
# download and display a LaTeX equation
# parameter is a LaTeX equation in double quotes
# REQ: fim
alias math='latex-png'
function latex-png() {
curl -G "" --data-urlencode '\bg_white&space;\huge&space;'"$1" > image.png
fim image.png &
sleep 1
rm image.png
# read markdown files in terminal
# REQ: pandoc, lynx
alias md='markdown'
function markdown() {
pandoc "$1" | lynx -stdin;
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