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Created March 23, 2024 14:05
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  {:bumblebee, "~> 0.5.3"},
  {:langchain, "~> 0.1.10"},
  {:nx, "~> 0.7.1"},
  {:exla, "~> 0.7.1"},
  {:kino, "~> 0.12.3"}



repo =
  {:hf, "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", auth_token: System.fetch_env!("LB_HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN")}

{:ok, model_info} = Bumblebee.load_model(repo, type: :bf16)
{:ok, tokenizer} = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer(repo)
{:ok, generation_config} = Bumblebee.load_generation_config(repo)

generation_config =
    max_new_tokens: 256,
    strategy: %{type: :multinomial_sampling, top_p: 0.6}

13:32:42.064 [info] successful NUMA node read from SysFS had negative value (-1), but there must be at least one NUMA node, so returning NUMA node zero. See more at

13:32:42.064 [info] XLA service 0x7fb47c02ab60 initialized for platform CUDA (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:

13:32:42.064 [info]   StreamExecutor device (0): NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB, Compute Capability 8.0

13:32:42.065 [info] Using BFC allocator.

13:32:42.065 [info] XLA backend allocating 76488022425 bytes on device 0 for BFCAllocator.

13:32:43.915 [info] Loaded cuDNN version 8907

13:32:43.921 [info] Start cannot spawn child process: No such file or directory

13:32:43.926 [info] Start cannot spawn child process: No such file or directory

13:32:43.931 [info] Using nvlink for parallel linking
|===============================================================| 100% (1.84 MB)
  max_new_tokens: 256,
  min_new_tokens: nil,
  max_length: nil,
  min_length: nil,
  strategy: %{type: :multinomial_sampling, top_p: 0.6},
  decoder_start_token_id: nil,
  forced_bos_token_id: nil,
  forced_eos_token_id: nil,
  forced_token_ids: [],
  suppressed_token_ids: [],
  no_repeat_ngram_length: nil,
  temperature: nil,
  bos_token_id: 1,
  eos_token_id: 2,
  pad_token_id: 0,
  extra_config: nil
serving =
  Bumblebee.Text.generation(model_info, tokenizer, generation_config,
    compile: [batch_size: 1, sequence_length: 1028],
    defn_options: [compiler: EXLA, lazy_transfers: :always],
    stream: true,
    stream_done: true

Kino.start_child({Nx.Serving, name: Llama2Serving, serving: serving})

13:33:49.600 [info] ptxas warning : Registers are spilled to local memory in function 'triton_gemm_dot_515', 4 bytes spill stores, 4 bytes spill loads

13:33:49.730 [info] ptxas warning : Registers are spilled to local memory in function 'triton_gemm_dot_515', 104 bytes spill stores, 152 bytes spill loads

13:34:01.545 [info] ptxas warning : Registers are spilled to local memory in function 'sort_7531', 648 bytes spill stores, 632 bytes spill loads

13:34:01.559 [info] ptxas warning : Registers are spilled to local memory in function 'sort_3', 648 bytes spill stores, 632 bytes spill loads

{:ok, #PID<0.350.0>}
chat =!(%{
    serving: Llama2Serving,
    template_format: :llama_2,
    stream: true
  serving: Llama2Serving,
  template_format: :llama_2,
  stream: true,
  seed: nil
alias LangChain.Function
alias LangChain.Message
alias LangChain.Chains.LLMChain
alias LangChain.ChatModels.ChatOpenAI

# map of data we want to be passed as `context` to the function when
# executed.
custom_context = %{
  "user_id" => 123,
  "hairbrush" => "drawer",
  "dog" => "backyard",
  "sandwich" => "kitchen"

# a custom Elixir function made available to the LLM
custom_fn =!(%{
    name: "custom",
    description: "Returns the location of the requested element or item.",
    parameters_schema: %{
      type: "object",
      properties: %{
        thing: %{
          type: "string",
          description: "The thing whose location is being requested."
      required: ["thing"]
    function: fn %{"thing" => thing} = _arguments, context ->
      # our context is a pretend item/location location map

# create and run the chain
{:ok, updated_chain, %Message{} = message} =!(%{
    llm: chat,
    custom_context: custom_context,
    verbose: true
  |> LLMChain.add_functions(custom_fn)
  |> LLMChain.add_message(Message.new_user!("Where is the hairbrush located?"))
  |> true)

# print the LLM's answer
# => "The hairbrush is located in the drawer."
LLM: %LangChain.ChatModels.ChatBumblebee{
  serving: Llama2Serving,
  template_format: :llama_2,
  stream: true,
  seed: nil
    content: "Where is the hairbrush located?",
    index: nil,
    status: :complete,
    role: :user,
    function_name: nil,
    arguments: nil
    name: "custom",
    description: "Returns the location of the requested element or item.",
    display_text: nil,
    function: #Function<41.105768164/2 in :erl_eval.expr/6>,
    parameters_schema: %{
      type: "object",
      required: ["thing"],
      properties: %{
        thing: %{
          type: "string",
          description: "The thing whose location is being requested."
    parameters: []

13:55:41.589 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.603 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.617 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.658 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.671 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.713 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.726 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.740 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.754 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.767 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.781 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.808 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.822 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.836 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.849 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.863 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.876 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.904 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.918 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.932 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.945 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.973 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:41.986 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.000 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.054 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.081 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.095 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.109 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.122 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.136 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.150 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.164 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.177 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.191 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.204 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.218 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.273 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.287 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.301 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.314 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.328 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.342 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.355 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.383 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.396 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.437 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.451 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.478 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.533 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.546 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.560 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.574 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.587 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.601 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.629 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.642 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.656 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.670 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.684 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.711 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.753 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.767 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.780 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.794 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.808 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.821 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.835 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.890 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.904 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.918 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.945 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.973 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:42.987 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.000 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.014 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.027 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.041 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.068 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.095 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.109 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.136 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.177 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.190 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.204 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.217 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.231 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.286 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.300 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.314 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.328 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.355 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.369 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.383 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.397 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.424 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.437 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.478 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.492 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.506 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.520 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.533 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.561 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.574 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.588 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.602 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.615 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.629 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.642 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.656 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.670 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.683 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.697 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.739 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.752 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.766 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.780 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.793 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.834 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.848 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.862 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.876 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.889 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.903 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.944 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.

13:55:43.944 [warning] Streaming call requested but no callback function was given.
  content: "I'm just an AI, I don't have access to your personal belongings or the layout of your home, so I cannot accurately locate your hairbrush. However, I can provide you with some general information about where hairbrushes are typically kept in a typical home.\n\nIn many households, hairbrushes are usually stored in a bathroom cabinet or on a bathroom countertop. Some people may also keep their hairbrushes in a dresser drawer or in a designated hair accessory case.\n\nIf you're having trouble finding your hairbrush, you might want to check these locations first. If you're still unable to find it, you could try asking other members of your household if they've seen it or check underneath your bed or in your closet.",
  index: nil,
  status: :complete,
  role: :assistant,
  function_name: nil,
  arguments: nil
I'm just an AI, I don't have access to your personal belongings or the layout of your home, so I cannot accurately locate your hairbrush. However, I can provide you with some general information about where hairbrushes are typically kept in a typical home.

In many households, hairbrushes are usually stored in a bathroom cabinet or on a bathroom countertop. Some people may also keep their hairbrushes in a dresser drawer or in a designated hair accessory case.

If you're having trouble finding your hairbrush, you might want to check these locations first. If you're still unable to find it, you could try asking other members of your household if they've seen it or check underneath your bed or in your closet.
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