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Created June 7, 2016 14:00
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Java class solves the Utopian Tree problem. It contains a regular and a binary operations solution.
package utopiantree;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author Slava
* The Utopian Tree goes through 2 cycles of growth every year. Each spring, it doubles in height.
* Each summer, its height increases by 1 meter.
* Laura plants a Utopian Tree sapling with a height of 1 meter at the onset of spring.
* How tall will her tree be after N growth cycles?
* Input Format
* The first line contains an integer, T, the number of test cases.
* T subsequent lines each contain an integer, N, denoting the number of cycles for that test case.
* Output Format
* For each test case, print the height of the Utopian Tree after N cycles.
* Each height must be printed on a new line.
public class UtopianTree {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int t = in.nextInt();
int[] inputArray = new int[t];
for(int a0 = 0; a0 < t; a0++){
inputArray[a0] = in.nextInt();
for(int i = 0; i < t; i++){
private static int getTreeHeight(int nrCycles)
int height = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < nrCycles/2; i++)
height = height * 2 + 1;
if(nrCycles % 2 == 1)
height *= 2;
return height;
* This implementation does the same as getTreeHeight using binary operations instead.
* This is of course ludicrously fast, but difficult to read and understand.
* The method divides nrCycles by 2 to get number of years (the remainder of division is lost in a right shift operation):
* nrCycles >> 1
* and then it adds 1 to left shift an extra step in the next operation
* (nrCycles >> 1) + 1
* The result gives us the number of times we need to shift left a 1, which we do in the next step:
* 1 << ((nrCycles >> 1) + 1)
* we subtract 1 from the result to get only ones after our 1 that we shifted left
* for nrCycles=10 we will get 1000000. In order to turn this into 111111 we subtract -1 in the next step
* (1 << ((nrCycles >> 1) + 1)) - 1
* In the last step the result is multiplied by 2 with a shift to right operation as in getTreeHeight
* in case nrCycles/2 gives a remainder that equals 1
* ((1 << ((nrCycles >> 1) + 1)) - 1) << nrCycles % 2.
* or written in binary operations:
* ((1 << ((nrCycles >> 1) + 1)) - 1) << (nrCycles & 1)
private static int getTreeHeightBinary(int nrCycles)
return ((1 << ((nrCycles >> 1) + 1)) - 1) << (nrCycles & 1);
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