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Created March 25, 2021 12:25
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Lab #2. Auction
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
contract Auction {
// static
address public owner;
uint public bidIncrement;
uint public startBlock;
uint public endBlock;
string public ipfsHash;
// state
bool public canceled;
uint public highestBindingBid;
address public highestBidder;
mapping(address => uint256) public fundsByBidder;
bool ownerHasWithdrawn;
event LogBid(address bidder, uint bid, address highestBidder, uint highestBid, uint highestBindingBid);
event LogWithdrawal(address withdrawer, address withdrawalAccount, uint amount);
event LogCanceled();
function Auction(address _owner, uint _bidIncrement, uint _startBlock, uint _endBlock, string _ipfsHash) {
if (_startBlock >= _endBlock) throw;
if (_owner == 0) throw;
owner = _owner;
bidIncrement = _bidIncrement;
startBlock = _startBlock;
endBlock = _endBlock;
ipfsHash = _ipfsHash;
function getHighestBid()
returns (uint)
return fundsByBidder[highestBidder];
function placeBid()
returns (bool success)
// reject payments of 0 ETH
if (msg.value == 0) throw;
// calculate the user's total bid based on the current amount they've sent to the contract
// plus whatever has been sent with this transaction
uint newBid = fundsByBidder[msg.sender] + msg.value;
// if the user isn't even willing to overbid the highest binding bid, there's nothing for us
// to do except revert the transaction.
if (newBid <= highestBindingBid) throw;
// grab the previous highest bid (before updating fundsByBidder, in case msg.sender is the
// highestBidder and is just increasing their maximum bid).
uint highestBid = fundsByBidder[highestBidder];
fundsByBidder[msg.sender] = newBid;
if (newBid <= highestBid) {
// if the user has overbid the highestBindingBid but not the highestBid, we simply
// increase the highestBindingBid and leave highestBidder alone.
// note that this case is impossible if msg.sender == highestBidder because you can never
// bid less ETH than you've already bid.
highestBindingBid = min(newBid + bidIncrement, highestBid);
} else {
// if msg.sender is already the highest bidder, they must simply be wanting to raise
// their maximum bid, in which case we shouldn't increase the highestBindingBid.
// if the user is NOT highestBidder, and has overbid highestBid completely, we set them
// as the new highestBidder and recalculate highestBindingBid.
if (msg.sender != highestBidder) {
highestBidder = msg.sender;
highestBindingBid = min(newBid, highestBid + bidIncrement);
highestBid = newBid;
LogBid(msg.sender, newBid, highestBidder, highestBid, highestBindingBid);
return true;
function min(uint a, uint b)
returns (uint)
if (a < b) return a;
return b;
function cancelAuction()
returns (bool success)
canceled = true;
return true;
function withdraw()
returns (bool success)
address withdrawalAccount;
uint withdrawalAmount;
if (canceled) {
// if the auction was canceled, everyone should simply be allowed to withdraw their funds
withdrawalAccount = msg.sender;
withdrawalAmount = fundsByBidder[withdrawalAccount];
} else {
// the auction finished without being canceled
if (msg.sender == owner) {
// the auction's owner should be allowed to withdraw the highestBindingBid
withdrawalAccount = highestBidder;
withdrawalAmount = highestBindingBid;
ownerHasWithdrawn = true;
} else if (msg.sender == highestBidder) {
// the highest bidder should only be allowed to withdraw the difference between their
// highest bid and the highestBindingBid
withdrawalAccount = highestBidder;
if (ownerHasWithdrawn) {
withdrawalAmount = fundsByBidder[highestBidder];
} else {
withdrawalAmount = fundsByBidder[highestBidder] - highestBindingBid;
} else {
// anyone who participated but did not win the auction should be allowed to withdraw
// the full amount of their funds
withdrawalAccount = msg.sender;
withdrawalAmount = fundsByBidder[withdrawalAccount];
if (withdrawalAmount == 0) throw;
fundsByBidder[withdrawalAccount] -= withdrawalAmount;
// send the funds
if (!msg.sender.send(withdrawalAmount)) throw;
LogWithdrawal(msg.sender, withdrawalAccount, withdrawalAmount);
return true;
modifier onlyOwner {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
modifier onlyNotOwner {
if (msg.sender == owner) throw;
modifier onlyAfterStart {
if (block.number < startBlock) throw;
modifier onlyBeforeEnd {
if (block.number > endBlock) throw;
modifier onlyNotCanceled {
if (canceled) throw;
modifier onlyEndedOrCanceled {
if (block.number < endBlock && !canceled) throw;
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Bids and validations are working fine

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