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Last active June 27, 2021 15:43
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List Extensions
// * Summary *
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=Windows 10.0.19042.1052 (20H2/October2020Update)
Intel Core i7-6600U CPU 2.60GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
.NET SDK=6.0.100-preview.4.21255.9
[Host] : .NET 6.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT
DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
|------------------ |------------:|----------:|----------:|
| WrapperArr | 58.19 ns | 0.954 ns | 0.796 ns |
| WrapperList | 56.58 ns | 1.151 ns | 0.898 ns |
| WrapperImmutable | 149.55 ns | 2.326 ns | 2.176 ns |
| ExplicitArr | 171.86 ns | 2.950 ns | 2.615 ns |
| ExplicitList | 1,925.37 ns | 30.796 ns | 27.300 ns |
| ExplicitImmutable | 2,468.93 ns | 37.708 ns | 35.272 ns |
| GeneralArr | 123.16 ns | 2.436 ns | 2.607 ns |
| GeneralList | 118.84 ns | 2.306 ns | 2.368 ns |
| GeneralImmutable | 517.53 ns | 10.105 ns | 9.452 ns |
// * Hints *
Program.WrapperArr: Default -> 2 outliers were removed (67.58 ns, 68.52 ns)
Program.WrapperList: Default -> 3 outliers were removed (63.15 ns..71.78 ns)
Program.WrapperImmutable: Default -> 1 outlier was detected (146.24 ns)
Program.ExplicitArr: Default -> 1 outlier was removed (203.42 ns)
Program.ExplicitList: Default -> 1 outlier was removed, 2 outliers were detected (1.86 us, 1.99 us)
// * Legends *
Mean : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
Error : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
StdDev : Standard deviation of all measurements
1 ns : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: End *****
// ** Remained 0 benchmark(s) to run **
Run time: 00:02:24 (144.17 sec), executed benchmarks: 9
Global total time: 00:02:28 (148.55 sec), executed benchmarks: 9
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
#nullable enable
namespace MyBenchmarks {
public class ListExtensions<T> {
public readonly IList<T> List;
public delegate int FBinarySearch(int index, int count, T value, IComparer<T>? comparer);
public readonly FBinarySearch BinarySearch;
public delegate void FRemoveRange(int index, int count);
public readonly FRemoveRange RemoveRange;
public ListExtensions(IList<T> list) {
List = list;
FBinarySearch? binarySearch = null;
if (list is Array arr) {
binarySearch = (index, count, value, cmp) => Array.BinarySearch(arr, index, count, value, cmp is null ? null : Comparer<T>.Create(cmp.Compare));
else {
var func = list.GetType().GetMethod("BinarySearch", new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(T), typeof(IComparer<T>) });
if (func != null)
binarySearch = (FBinarySearch?)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(FBinarySearch), list, func, throwOnBindFailure: false);
if (binarySearch == null)
binarySearch = (index, count, value, cmp) => GeneralBinarySearch(list, index, count, value, cmp);
BinarySearch = binarySearch;
FRemoveRange? removeRange = null;
var func = list.GetType().GetMethod("RemoveRange", new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });
if (func != null)
removeRange = (FRemoveRange?)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(FRemoveRange), list, func, throwOnBindFailure: false);
if (removeRange == null)
removeRange = (index, count) => GeneralRemoveRange(list, index, count);
RemoveRange = removeRange;
public static int GeneralBinarySearch(IList<T> list, int index, int lenght, T value, IComparer<T>? comparer = null) {
comparer ??= Comparer<T>.Default;
int lower = index;
int upper = index + lenght - 1;
while (lower <= upper) {
int middle = lower + (upper - lower) / 2;
int comparisonResult = comparer.Compare(value, list[middle]);
if (comparisonResult == 0)
return middle;
else if (comparisonResult < 0)
upper = middle - 1;
lower = middle + 1;
return ~lower;
public static void GeneralRemoveRange(IList<T> list, int index, int count) {
while (count-- > 0)
list.RemoveAt(index + count);
public class Program {
const int NumElements = 100000;
readonly Random _rand = new();
readonly int[] _arr = new int[NumElements];
readonly List<int> _list;
readonly ImmutableList<int> _imm;
readonly ListExtensions<int> _extArr, _extList, _extImm;
readonly int _lookupValue;
public Program() {
for (int i = 0; i < NumElements; ++i)
_arr[i] = _rand.Next();
_list = _arr.ToList();
_imm = _arr.ToImmutableList();
_extArr = new ListExtensions<int>(_arr);
_extList = new ListExtensions<int>(_list);
_extImm = new ListExtensions<int>(_imm);
_lookupValue = _arr[1];
[Benchmark] public int WrapperArr() => _extArr.BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int WrapperList() => _extList.BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int WrapperImmutable() => _extImm.BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int ExplicitArr() => new ListExtensions<int>(_arr).BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int ExplicitList() => new ListExtensions<int>(_list).BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int ExplicitImmutable() => new ListExtensions<int>(_imm).BinarySearch(0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int GeneralArr() => ListExtensions<int>.GeneralBinarySearch(_arr, 0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int GeneralList() => ListExtensions<int>.GeneralBinarySearch(_list, 0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
[Benchmark] public int GeneralImmutable() => ListExtensions<int>.GeneralBinarySearch(_imm, 0, NumElements, _lookupValue, null);
public static void Main() =>
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