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Last active August 13, 2023 23:47
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import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { StandardMerkleTree } from "@openzeppelin/merkle-tree";
export type FullMerkleDataTree = {
root: string;
values: MerkleValueWithSalt[];
export type FullMerkleProofTreeWithRelatedUid = FullMerkleDataTree & {
relatedUid: string;
export interface MerkleMultiProof {
leaves: Leaf[];
proof: string[];
proofFlags: boolean[];
export interface Leaf {
type: string;
name: string;
value: any;
salt: string;
export type PartialMerkleProof = {
/** Hash of the partial proof */
id: string;
root: string;
proof: MerkleMultiProof;
relatedUid: string;
export interface MerkleValue {
type: string;
name: string;
value: any;
export type MerkleValueWithSalt = MerkleValue & { salt: string };
export type EncodedMerkleValue = [string, string, string, string];
export const merkleValueAbiEncoding: EncodedMerkleValue = [
export function encodeValuesToMerkleTree(
valuesWithSalt: MerkleValueWithSalt[]
) {
const encodedValues = encodeMerkleValues(valuesWithSalt);
return StandardMerkleTree.of(encodedValues, merkleValueAbiEncoding);
export function encodeMerkleValues(
inValues: MerkleValueWithSalt[]
): EncodedMerkleValue[] {
return => [
ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode([v.type], [v.value]),
export function verifyFullMerkleTree(tree: FullMerkleDataTree): string {
const encodedValues = encodeMerkleValues(tree.values);
const merkleTree = StandardMerkleTree.of(
return merkleTree.root;
export function decodeMerkleValues(
inValues: EncodedMerkleValue[]
): MerkleValueWithSalt[] {
return => ({
type: v[0],
name: v[1],
value: ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode([v[0]], v[2])[0],
salt: v[3],
export function verifyMultiProof(proof: MerkleMultiProof): boolean {
const multiproof = {
leaves: encodeMerkleValues(proof.leaves),
return StandardMerkleTree.verifyMultiProof(
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