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Last active June 26, 2018 16:42
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libxml2 personal notes
root@research:~/dev# cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlNodePtr node;
/* read xmlfile */
doc = xmlReadFile(argv[1], 0, 0);
if (!argv[1])
printf("[!] You input an null data: '%s'\n", argv[1]);
return -1;
node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
if (!node)
puts("[!] Make sure that is a correct file.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
-------------------------- %< --------------------------
0400691 <+1>: mov 0x8(%rsi),%rdi ;align stack for the 3rd parameter, making argv[1]
;pointer points to '*filename'
0400695 <+5>: mov %rsi,%rbx ;copies data from parameter to argument
0400698 <+8>: xor %edx,%edx ;initiates the register with value zero
040069a <+10>: xor %esi,%esi ;initiates the register with value zero
callq 0x400640 <xmlReadFile@plt> ;exec function: xmlReadFile(argv[1], 0, 0)
4006a1 <+17>: cmpq $0x0,0x8(%rbx) ;knowing that $0x0 corresponds to 'null terminator'
; that is equals to 'NULL', then it is a check
;if "*argv[]" points to NULL data.
4006a6 <+22>: je 0x4006b9 <main+41> ;jump to "ret" (0x4006b9) whether is NULL
;is it looks like: if (!argv[1]) { return -1; }
4006a8 <+24>: mov %rax,%rdi ;copies the data stored in rdi (*filename) to rax
4006ab <+27>: callq 0x400650 <xmlDocGetRootElement@plt> ;exec function "xmlDocGetRootElement(rax);"
4006b0 <+32>: test %rax,%rax ;set rax to '1'(true) if rax is '0'(false), then exec next current instruction
4006b3 <+35>: je 0x4006cc <main+60> ; if rax was set to "1" jump to address 0x4006cc
; reading the libxml2 documentation, note that the function "xmlDocGetRootElement"
; has 2 behaviors defined --- from xmlsoft: "Returns: the #xmlNodePtr for the root or NULL"
; exec this 3 instructions below if rax was set to '0' -- xmlDocGetRootElement's behavior
4006b5 <+37>: xor %eax,%eax ; set eax to 0
4006b7 <+39>: pop %rbx ; remove rbx from stack
4006b8 <+40>: retq ; return eax
4006b9 <+41>: xor %esi,%esi ;reset the 32-bit LSB of the RSI register, - WORD size.
4006bb <+43>: mov $0x400868,%edi ;input the value stored in "0x40086" into EDI register.
4006c0 <+48>: xor %eax,%eax ;set EAX to '0'
4006c2 <+50>: callq 0x400630 <printf@plt> ;callq belongs to SIMD (single instruction, multiple data)
;perform the printf() execution and pushes the current address
;of instruction pointer (%rip) onto the stack and jumps to it.
; return after callq
04006c7 <+55>: or $0xffffffff,%eax ;set to '1' all bits (32-bits length)
04006ca <+58>: pop %rbx ;remove rbx from the stack
04006cb <+59>: retq ;return "-1" (0xffffffff)
; calling "puts" function with message stored at "$0x400890" and do the same thing as above and return -1
04006cc <+60>: mov $0x400890,%edi
04006d1 <+65>: callq 0x400660 <puts@plt>
04006d6 <+70>: or $0xffffffff,%eax
04006d9 <+73>: pop %rbx
04006da <+74>: retq
-------------------------- %< --------------------------
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slayerlab commented Apr 16, 2018

[Warning] This note has no intention of teaching. They're just random notes and outburst during my studies two years later.

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