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Created November 10, 2018 03:28
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Meteor Miner
// @namespace MeteorMiner
// @version 0.2
// @description Extract data form Meteor
// @author Tim Medin (Counter Hack)
// @match http://*/*
// @match https://*/*
// @require
// @require
// @resource
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_notification
// ==/UserScript==
* Checks if Meteor is loaded in the current page
* @return {Boolean}
function meteorIsLoaded() {
return typeof(unsafeWindow.Meteor) === 'object' ? true : false;
* Get a sorted array of loaded Templates
* @return [String] Names of loaded templates
function getLoadedTemplateNames() {
tmpls = [];
$.each($('div'), function(index, elem) {
if (Blaze.getView(elem)) {
if (Blaze.getView(elem).parentView) {
tmplsFiltered = [];
$.each($.unique(tmpls), function(index, t) {
if (/^Template\./.test(t)) {
return tmplsFiltered.sort();
* Get a sorted array of Templates loaded by Meteor
* @return [String] Names of templates
function getTemplateNames() {
loadedTmpls = getLoadedTemplateNames();
// ignore the build in stuff
ignoredTemplates = ['body', '__body__', '__dynamic', '__dynamicWithDataContext', '__DynamicTemplateError__', '__IronDefaultLayout__', '__IronRouterNotFound__', '__IronRouterNoRoutes__', 'ensureSignedIn', 'atError', 'atForm', 'atInput', 'atTextInput', 'atCheckboxInput', 'atSelectInput', 'atRadioInput', 'atHiddenInput', 'atMessage', 'atNavButton', 'atOauth', 'atPwdForm', 'atPwdFormBtn', 'atPwdLink', 'atReCaptcha', 'atResult', 'atSep', 'atSigninLink', 'atSignupLink', 'atSocial', 'atTermsLink', 'atResendVerificationEmailLink', 'atTitle', 'fullPageAtForm', 'reactiveTable', 'reactiveTableFilter'];
var tmpls = [];
for (var tmplName in Template) {
// Filter for templates and ignore those in the above list
if ($.inArray(tmplName, ignoredTemplates) === -1 && Template[tmplName] instanceof Template) {
// remove `Template.` from the template name
return tmpls.sort();
* Get all the collections loaded by Meteor
* @return [Object] Array of associative arrays of collection Info
* name Collection Name
* instance The collection object
* count Record count
* fieldCounts Associative array
* key Fields
* value Number of records with the above fields
function getCollections() {
//return Meteor.connection._mongo_livedata_collections;
var cols = [];
// Global collections
for (var objectName in unsafeWindow) {
if (unsafeWindow[objectName] instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
cols.push({name: objectName, instance: unsafeWindow[objectName], count: unsafeWindow[objectName].find().count()});
// Meteor collections
for (var objectName in unsafeWindow.Meteor) {
if (unsafeWindow.Meteor[objectName] instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
cols.push({name: 'Meteor.' + objectName, instance: unsafeWindow.Meteor[objectName], count: unsafeWindow.Meteor[objectName].find().count()});
// check for non-uniform fields in collection
for (var c of cols) {
counts = {};
if (c.instance.find().count() > 0) {
fields = [];
for (var r of c.instance.find().fetch()) {
fieldNames = deepPropertyNames(r).toString();
counts[fieldNames] = (counts[fieldNames] + 1) || 1;
c.fieldCounts = counts;
// sort the collections by name
cols = cols.sort(function(a,b){
if ( < return -1;
if ( > return 1;
return 0;
return cols;
* Update the panel
* @return null
function updateInfo() {
// Templates
templateList = $('#meteor-miner #mm-templates-list');
loadedTmpls = getLoadedTemplateNames();
sortNeeded = false;
$.each(getTemplateNames(), function(index,tmplName) {
tmplDiv = templateList.find('[name="' + tmplName + '"]');
if (tmplDiv.length === 0) {
// not loaded, create a stub
r = templateList.append('<div name="' + tmplName + '" class="mm-new">' + tmplName + '</div>');
tmplDiv = templateList.find('[name="' + tmplName + '"]');
sortNeeded = true;
// is loaded?
if ($.inArray(tmplName, loadedTmpls) !== -1) {
} else {
}'template', Template[tmplName]);
// sort the display
if (sortNeeded) {
templateListItems = templateList.children().sort(function (a,b) {
aa = $(a).attr('name');
bb = $(b).attr('name');
if (aa > bb) { return 1; }
if (aa < bb) { return -1; }
return 0;
// Collections
collectionList = $('#meteor-miner #mm-collections-list');
sortNeeded = false;
// update the items
$.each(getCollections(), function(index,col) {
uniqueFieldCount = Object.keys(col.fieldCounts).length;
if (uniqueFieldCount >= 2) {
uniqueFieldCountText = uniqueFieldCount + ' Unique Field Sets';
} else {
uniqueFieldCountText = '';
colDiv = collectionList.find('[name="' + + '"]');
loaded = col.count > 0;
if (colDiv.length === 0) {
// not loaded, create a stub
<div name="' + + '" class="collection">' + + ' \
<div class="size"></div> \
<div class="field-counts"></div> \
colDiv = collectionList.find('[name="' + + '"]');
sortNeeded = true;
// has data?
oldSize = colDiv.find('.size').text().trim();
newSize = col.count + plural(col.count,' Record');
oldFieldCounts = colDiv.find('.field-counts').text().trim();
newFieldCounts = uniqueFieldCountText;
// update loaded
if (col.count > 0) {
} else {
// update size and highlight if changed
if (oldSize !== newSize) {
colDiv.append('<div class="size mm-new">' + newSize + ' </div>');
// update field counts and highlight if changed
if (oldFieldCounts !== newFieldCounts) {
colDiv.append('<div class="field-counts mm-new">' + uniqueFieldCountText + ' </div>');
} else {
// move to end
// bind the collection info to the div
colDiv = $('#mm-collections-list div[name="' + + '"]');'collectionInfo', col);
// sort the display
if (sortNeeded) {
collectionListItems = collectionList.children().sort(function (a,b) {
aa = $(a).attr('name');
bb = $(b).attr('name');
if (aa > bb) { return 1; }
if (aa < bb) { return -1; }
return 0;
// Subscriptions
subsList = $('#meteor-miner #mm-subscriptions-list');
sortNeeded = false;
// get the subsriptions
subs = unsafeWindow.Meteor.connection._subscriptions;
// tag subscriptions as not in use, remove later if not updated
subsList.children().attr('dead', 'dead');
// update each sub
for (var sKey in subs) {
sub = subs[sKey];
subDiv = subsList.find('[name="' + + '"]');
if (subDiv.length === 0) {
// not loaded, create a stub
stub = '<div name="' + + '" class="mm-new">' + + '<div class="params"></div></div>';
subDiv = subsList.find('[name="' + + '"]');
sortNeeded = true;
if (sub.ready) {
} else {
if (sub.params.length) {
paramString = JSON.stringify(sub.params, function(k, v) { if (v === undefined) { return null; } return v; });
subDiv.find('.params').text('Param Values: ' + paramString);
} else {
// remove dead
// remove subscriptions no longer in use
// sort the display
// TODO: sort will retrigger highlight, fix this
if (sortNeeded && 1===2) {
subsListItems = subsList.children().sort(function (a,b) {
aa = $(a).attr('name');
bb = $(b).attr('name');
if (aa > bb) { return 1; }
if (aa < bb) { return -1; }
return 0;
function updateInfoOnce() {
// the routes are static, so no need to get it on every update
// check if Iron router is in use
// TODO: check if one of the other router platforms is in use and get those routes
if (typeof(Router) !== 'function' || typeof(Router.routes) !== 'object') {
$('#meteor-miner .mm-routes-header').hide();
$('#meteor-miner .mm-routes-list').hide();
} else {
// get the routes div
routesList = $('#meteor-miner #mm-routes-list');
for (var i=0; i<Router.routes.length; i++) {
routesList.append('<div name="' + Router.routes[i].getName() + '" class="mm-loaded">' + Router.routes[i]._path + '&nbsp;<a href="' + Router.routes[i]._path + '" class="mm-not-loaded">&gt;</a></div>');
routesListItems = routesList.children().sort(function (a,b) {
aa = $(a).attr('name');
bb = $(b).attr('name');
if (aa > bb) { return 1; }
if (aa < bb) { return -1; }
return 0;
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// *** ***
// *** HELPERS ***
// *** ***
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
* Get the property names from an object
* @param {Object} The object to analyze
* @param {Number} The depth to search, default is 2
* @return [String] Array of field names
function deepPropertyNames(o, depth) {
depth = depth || 2;
var propNames = [];
Object.getOwnPropertyNames( o ).forEach(function( name ) {
// don't get details if..
// too deep
// Array
// Date
if (typeof(o[name]) === 'object' && o[name] !== null && !(o[name] instanceof Date) && !(o[name] instanceof Array) && depth > 1) {
result = deepPropertyNames(o[name], depth - 1);
result.forEach(function( name2 ) {
propNames.push(name + '.' + name2);
} else {
return propNames.sort();
* Plurize the text if there is not 1 item
* @param num {Number} Number of items used to determine if plural
* @param text {String} Text to make plural
* @return {String} Resultant plural (or not) text
function plural(num, text) {
if (num === 1) return text;
return text + 's';
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// *** ***
// *** EVENTS ***
// *** ***
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
* Get click on collections, show field info
$('body').on('click', '#meteor-miner #mm-collections-list div', function(event) {
if ($('collection')) {
target = $(;
} else {
target = $(;
cInfo ='collectionInfo');
if (cInfo.count === 0) {
// if no records there are no details to see
// get the fields
cDetailsHtml = '';
for (var fields of Object.keys(cInfo.fieldCounts)) {
cDetailsHtml += '<div class="header">' + cInfo.fieldCounts[fields] + plural(cInfo.fieldCounts[fields], ' record') + ':</div><div class="detail">' + fields.replace(/,/g, ', ') + '</div>';
//cDetailsHtml += '</tbody></table>';
// set the details info
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel .mm-secondary-header').text('Field Details for ' +;
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel .mm-secondary-details').html(cDetailsHtml);
$('#meteor-miner .mm-main-panel').hide();
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel').show();
* Get click on template, show functions
$('body').on('click', '#meteor-miner #mm-templates-list div', function(event) {
tmpl = $('template');
detailsHtml = '';
// helpers
detailsHtml += '<div class="header">Helpers</div>';
if ('__helpers' in tmpl) {
for (var h in tmpl.__helpers) {
if ($.inArray(h, ['has', 'get', 'set']) === -1) {
detailsHtml += '<div class="detail">' + h.replace(/^ +/,'') + '</div>';
} else {
detailsHtml += '<div class="detail">None</div>';
// event map
detailsHtml += '<div class="header">Event Map</div>';
if ('__eventMaps' in tmpl) {
for (var i=0; i<tmpl.__eventMaps.length; i++) {
for (var e in tmpl.__eventMaps[i]) {
if ($.inArray(e, ['has', 'get', 'set']) === -1) {
detailsHtml += '<div class="detail">' + e.replace(/^ +/,'') + '</div>';
} else {
detailsHtml += '<div class="detail">None</div>';
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel .mm-secondary-header').text('Template ' + tmpl.viewName.replace(/^Template\./,''));
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel .mm-secondary-details').html(detailsHtml);
$('#meteor-miner .mm-main-panel').hide();
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel').show();
$('body').on('click', '#meteor-miner * #mm-routes-list a', function(event) {
* Move from the secondary panel to the main panel
$('body').on('click', '#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-nav', function(event) {
$('#meteor-miner .mm-main-panel').show();
$('#meteor-miner .mm-secondary-panel').hide();
* Toggle the display of children div items
$('body').on('click', '#meteor-miner * .mm-list-parent', function(event) {
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// *** ***
// *** Main Event ***
// *** ***
// ********************************************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
$(document).ready(function() {
'use strict';
// Only run the code if Meteor is loaded
if (!meteorIsLoaded()) {
// create menu, scope to only apply to this plugin
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner { padding: 5px; color: white; top: 0; right: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); width: 20%; position: fixed !important; z-index: 9999; overflow: scroll; resize: both; max-width: 90%; max-height: 90%;};');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner .mm-header { padding: 0 0 3px 0; margin: 0; font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-loaded {color: green;};');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-not-loaded {color: grey;};');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-ready {color: green;};');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-not-ready {color: red;};');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-hide-not-loaded { display: none; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-list div { font-size: smaller; padding-left: 10px; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-list div.size { display: inline; font-size: smaller; padding-left: 10px; color: grey; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-list div.params { display: inline; font-size: smaller; padding-left: 10px; color: grey; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-list div.field-counts { display: inline; font-size: smaller; padding-left: 10px; color: grey; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-nav { color: #888; display: inline-block; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-header { display: inline-block; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-details table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; font-size: smaller; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-details .header { font-weight: bold; display: block; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-secondary-details .detail { font-size: smaller ; display: block; padding-left: 5px; };');
// remove -nope to hide the sub items by default
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-hide-children-nope div { display: none; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * #mm-hide-not-loaded-toggle { font-size: smaller; };');
GM_addStyle('#meteor-miner * .mm-new { animation: colorchange 5s; -webkit-animation: colorchange 5s;};');
GM_addStyle('@keyframes colorchange { \
0% {color: yellow;}; \
50% {color: blue;}; \
100% {color: yellow;}; \
GM_addStyle('@-webkit-keyframes colorchange { \
0% {color: yellow;}; \
50% {color: blue;}; \
100% {color: yellow;}; \
// the window to show the Meteor info
jQuery('<div/>', {
id: 'meteor-miner',
html: ' \
<div class="mm-main-panel"> \
<div class="mm-main-header mm-header">Meteor Miner</div> \
<div class="mm-main-details"> \
<div id="mm-hide-not-loaded-toggle" onclick="$(\'[id^=mm-][id$=-list]\').toggleClass(\'mm-hide-not-loaded\')">Toggle Loaded Only</div> \
<div id="mm-collections-header" class="mm-hide-children mm-list-parent">Collections \
<div id="mm-collections-list" class="mm-list mm-hide-not-loaded"></div> \
</div> \
<div id="mm-subscriptions-header" class="mm-hide-children mm-list-parent">Subscriptions \
<div id="mm-subscriptions-list" class="mm-list mm-hide-not-loaded"></div> \
</div> \
<div id="mm-templates-header" class="mm-hide-children mm-list-parent">Templates \
<div id="mm-templates-list" class="mm-list mm-hide-not-loaded"></div> \
</div> \
<div id="mm-routes-header" class="mm-hide-children mm-list-parent">Routes \
<div id="mm-routes-list" class="mm-list"></div> \
</div> \
</div> \
</div> \
<div class="mm-secondary-panel" style="display: none;"> \
<div class="mm-secondary-nav mm-header">&lt;</div> \
<div class="mm-secondary-header mm-header"></div> \
<div class="mm-secondary-details"></div> \
draggable: true
var mm = $('#meteor-miner');
mm.resizable({ handles: 'all' });
setInterval(updateInfo, 1000);
setTimeout(updateInfoOnce, 1000);
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