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Created January 2, 2016 21:01
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Spring boot 1.3 "relevant for me" release notes
Spring Boot 1.3
It’s recommended (although not required) that you rename any default log configuration files to use a -spring suffix. For example logback.xml would change to logback-spring.xml.
Stacktrace information is now never included when Spring MVC renders an error response. If you want Spring Boot 1.2 behavior set error.include-stacktrace to on-trace-param.
Spring Boot no longer honours @Order to manage ordering between auto-configuration classes, please use @AutoconfigureOrder instead. Note also that you can use @AutoconfigureBefore and @AutoconfigureAfter to specify the order against specific auto-configuration classes.
Caching is automatically configured when your application @Configuration is annotated with @EnableCaching
With Spring Session and Spring Data Redis on the classpath, web applications will now be auto-configured to store user sessions in Redis.
Auto-configuration is now provided for the SendGrid email delivery service.
A new spring-boot-starter-validation "starter POM" is now available to provide bean validation (JSR 303) support.
You can now use ANSI placeholders in your banner.txt file to produce color output. Any ${Ansi.}, ${AnsiColor.}, ${AnsiBackground.} or ${AnsiStyle.} properties will be expanded. For example:
${AnsiColor.BRIGHT_GREEN}My Application
^^^ Clearly the most important update ^^^
The -default suffix is now considered when loading (and application.yml) files when no specific profile is active.
You can now implement the ApplicationRunner interface as an alternative to CommandLineRunner. This works in the same way but provides arguments as a ApplicationArguments interface rather than a String[].
Spring Boot 1.3 supports some new tags which can be used in your logback configuration file. To use the tags you need to first rename any logback.xml configuration to logback-spring.xml.
If you are using @ConfigurationProperties on beans, you no longer need to add @EnableConfigurationProperties to your configuration as Spring Boot autoconfigures it now.
The following additional actuator endpoints have been added with Spring Boot 1.3:
/logfile Provides access to the log file (if one has been configured).
/flyway Provides details of any Flyway database migrations that have been applied.
/liquibase Provides details of any Liquibase database migrations that have been applied.
Actuator HTTP endpoints are now enhanced with hypermedia links when you have Spring HATEOAS on your classpath (for example via spring-boot-starter-hateoas). A new "discovery page" is also provided with links to all actuator endpoints.
You can now configure Spring Boot to use Elasticsearch non local nodes.
Remote DevTools can now work behind a proxy server (see the spring.devtools.remote.proxy.* properties)
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