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Last active January 18, 2021 00:19
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Metaname (NZ Domain Registrar) API Script to allow something approaching ALIAS (aka ANAME) records to sort of set the Apex of a zone to be a CNAME.
* Go through all DNS Zones in your Metaname account and for any zone that have
* a CNAME record called "_apex_", resolve the cname to an IP address and
* update thea actual Apex A record (what you get when you resolve the domain
* without a host) with that IP address.
* So you can do like for your zone
* _apex_ CNAME
* www CNAME _apex_
* and (after running this) you can resolve and will get the IP
* address of (as it was when the script ran).
$domains = $metaname->domain_names();
foreach($domains as $domain)
if(!$domain->uses_dns_hosting) continue;
if(strlen(@$domain->redirected_to)) continue;
echo $domain->name . "\n\n";
$ApexAlias = NULL;
$Apex = NULL;
$AliasIP = NULL;
// Find the apex A record, and the _apex_ CNAME
// record if it exists
foreach($metaname->dns_zone($domain->name) as $rr)
if($rr->type === 'CNAME' && $rr->name === '_apex_')
$ApexAlias = $rr;
if($rr->type === 'A' && $rr->name === "{$domain->name}.")
$Apex = $rr;
// If we have both then update the Apex with the Alias
if($ApexAlias && $Apex)
// Allow relative alias, example...
// _alias_apex_ 3600 IN CNAME www
// www 3600 IN CNAME
// would then set the apex to be the IP address of
// (if it resolves, unchanged otherwise).
if(!preg_match('/\.$/', $ApexAlias->data))
$ApexAlias->data = $ApexAlias->data.'.'.$domain->name . '.';
// Resolve alias
$AliasIP = gethostbyname($ApexAlias->data);
if(!preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $AliasIP))
echo "Unable to resolve Alias {$ApexAlias->data}\n";
echo " Apex : {$Apex->name} {$Apex->data}\n";
echo " Alias: {$ApexAlias->data} ({$AliasIP})\n";
// Update if it needs to be
if($Apex->data !== $AliasIP)
$NewApex = array(
'name' => $Apex->name,
'type' => $Apex->type,
'aux' => null,
'ttl' => $Apex->ttl,
'data' => $AliasIP
$metaname->update_dns_record($domain->name, $Apex->reference, $NewApex);
echo " Updated\n";
catch(JsonRpcFault $E)
echo " Error Updating New Apex\n";
echo "\n";
case -4: echo " Invalid Domain\n"; break;
case -3: echo " Domain Not Found\n"; break;
case -12: echo " DNS Not Enabled\n"; break;
case -16: echo " Invalid Record\n"; break;
case -17: echo " Record Not Found\n"; break;
echo " {$E->getMessage()}\n";
echo " Unknown Error {$E->getCode()}\n";
echo " No Change\n";
echo str_repeat('-', 80) ."\n\n";
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