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Created April 17, 2017 00:07
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Convert DipTrace .asc library Export Format into an XML structure, and back again.
// Convert .asc into a .xml representation, or the reverse
// The attributes of each "asc" element '(Blah 123 "abc" )' are just dumped
// into _PARAMS="" attribute of the node '<Blah _PARAMS="123 &quot;abc&quot;" />'
// Take note that in the XML, _UNCLOSED="1" means that this tag
// when converted to asc must have the closing ")" on a separate line
// even if it is empty, not all do.
if(preg_match('/\.asc$/', $argv[1]))
$f = file($argv[1]);
$Stack = array( array('NodeName' => 'DipTraceLibrary', 'Args' => '', 'Content' => '' ) );
echo '<DipTraceLibraryConversion>';
foreach($f as $l)
// An enclosed element "(Abc args)"
if(preg_match('/^\s*\(([A-Za-z0-9]+)(.*)\)\s*$/', $l, $M))
$E = array('NodeName' => $M[1], 'Args'=> trim($M[2]), 'Content' => '');
$Stack[count($Stack)-1]['Content'] .= '<'.$E['NodeName'].' _PARAMS="'.htmlspecialchars($E['Args']).'" _UNCLOSED="0"/>';
// Unclosed
elseif(preg_match('/^\s*\(([A-Za-z0-9]+)(.*)\s*$/', $l, $M))
$E = array('NodeName' => $M[1], 'Args'=> trim($M[2]), 'Content' => '');
$Stack[count($Stack)-1]['Content'] .= '<'.$E['NodeName'].' _PARAMS="'.htmlspecialchars($E['Args']).'" _UNCLOSED="1">';
array_push($Stack, $E);
elseif(preg_match('/^\s*\)/', $l, $M))
$E = array_pop($Stack);
$Stack[count($Stack)-1]['Content'] .= $E['Content'].'</'.$E['NodeName'].'>';
echo $Stack[0]['Content'];
echo '</DipTraceLibraryConversion>';
$Root = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
function output($Node, $Depth)
if(count($Node->children()) || ((int)$Node['_UNCLOSED']) == 1)
echo str_repeat(' ', $Depth*2) . '('.$Node->getName(). ' ' . $Node['_PARAMS'] . "\r\n";
foreach($Node->children() as $Child)
output($Child, $Depth+1);
echo str_repeat(' ', $Depth*2) . ")\r\n";
echo str_repeat(' ', $Depth*2) . '('.$Node->getName(). ' ' . $Node['_PARAMS'] . ")\r\n";
output($Root->Source[0], 0);
output($Root->Library[0], 1);
// For some reason there is an extra trailing ), I don't know if it matters.
// echo ")\r\n";
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