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Created May 15, 2011 03:11
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ArticlesController (original implementation)
# config/routes
match 'articles/*path' => "articles#static"
match '*path' => "articles#static"
# app/controllers/ArticlesController
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
# GET /articles/:path
def static
@prefix = Dir.getwd + "/app/views/articles/"
@path = params[:path]
@render_me = nil
logger.debug "Received path variable \"" + @path + "\""
logger.debug "Current path = " + @prefix
unless @path.nil?
# check if path to directory
if @render_me == nil
logger.debug "Checking for directory..."
if File.exists?(@prefix + @path + "/index.html.haml")
logger.debug "Found directory at #{@prefix + @path}/"
@render_me = @prefix + @path + "/index.html.haml"
logger.debug "Did not find directory at #{@prefix + @path}/"
end # if
end # if
# check if path to file
if @render_me == nil
logger.debug "Checking for file..."
if @render_me == nil && File.exists?(@prefix + @path + ".html.haml")
logger.debug "Found file at #{@prefix + @path}.html.haml"
@render_me = @prefix + @path + ".html.haml"
logger.debug "Did not find file at #{@prefix + @path}.html.haml"
end # if
end # if
end # unless
if @render_me.nil?
render @render_me
end # if-else
end # method static
# GET /articles
def index
end # method index
end # class ArticlesController
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