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Created December 26, 2011 15:33
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Fizz Buzz implementation in Coffeescript
rules = [
{ divisor: 3, word: "fizz" }
{ divisor: 5, word: "buzz" }
fizzBuzz = (n) ->
say = ""
say += i.word for i in rules when n % i.divisor is 0
say || n
console.log fizzBuzz i for i in [1..100]
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Although this can be written idiomatically as the one-liner:

console.log i for i in [1..100].map (n) -> s = (s || "") + w for [d,w] in [[3,"fizz"],[5,"buzz"]] when n%d is 0; s || n

The multi-line code is far more readable, and thus preferable if you are not trying to communicate over twitter.

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